High school students are terrified of exams – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– Many of us have lost motivation, says Tora Elisabeth Haaland Lofthus. She is in her last year at Skeisvang upper secondary school. Next year, she has decided to continue her studies. So have her friends. Tora Elisabeth Haaland Lofthus is in her last year of high school, and wants to do higher education afterwards. Photo: Rosa Irén Villalobos / news Now they are terrified that they will do badly in the exam. They do not know what it means to take such an extensive test. When they left secondary school, Norway was closed due to a pandemic. The students were sent to home school. The exam was cancelled. – Quite a few of us are stressed. And we hardly dare to talk about the word exam. We don’t know what we’re getting into, and we want good final grades, says Bergljot Apeland Kvæstad. She knows of several people who go to a psychologist. – But it’s not something we talk too loudly about, she says. – When people lose both routines and contact with others, it’s no wonder that there are more mental disorders among young people, says Elias Eikemo Lundh. More need health nurses The students who started upper secondary school in autumn 2020 have not had any normal school years. The first two were characterized by pandemics. In autumn came the teachers’ strike. A report from FHI shows that it is feared that 14,000 pupils will have worsening psychological challenges as a result. Public health nurse Anlaug Rasmussen has noticed that several people are knocking on her door. – I have noticed an increase in inquiries from students in recent years, says Rasmussen. Especially during the strike last autumn, many students came forward with their concerns. Health nurse Anlaug Rasmussen at Skeisvang upper secondary school. Photo: Rosa Irén Villalobos / news – Many were worried and frustrated because they did not have an overview of their learning material. There were a number of good students who were worried about missing out on the syllabus. Perhaps thought that they were going to enter studies where it is difficult to enter. And then they were afraid of not getting in, says Rasmussen. She believes the increase is both due to the fact that there is a lower threshold for going to a health nurse. But also that more young people struggle with worries. The government points to the schools The government understands the students’ fear of exams. But believes it is the schools’ job to give them follow-up. – We know that both the pandemic and the strike have affected the daily school life of the pupils. At the same time, it is important to remember that it is still early in the school year, and there is still plenty of time for the schools to provide pupils with a good educational offer, says State Secretary Sindre Lysø (Ap) in the Ministry of Education. He points out that the municipalities and county councils that have had a teacher strike have saved money. Sindre Lysø (Ap), state secretary in the Ministry of Education. Photo: Jens Driveklepp – We expect this money to be spent on the students. Close to NOK 300 million was also allocated in 2022 for pandemic follow-up of children and young people to the municipalities and county councils that were hardest hit by infection control measures, says Lysø. The government believes that the exam is important. There are therefore no plans to cancel it in the spring of 2023. – Therefore, the school owners must consider how they can best help the students with good exam preparations. Promises to keep the students safe Principal Kari Handeland at Skeisvang upper secondary school says the school promises to give the students training on what will meet them in an exam. Among other things through full-day tests. The school management is now surveying which measures are to be implemented. Kari Handeland is principal at Skeisvang upper secondary school in Haugesund. Photo: Private – There may be afternoon courses or systems to strengthen certain subject groups. Certain measures can be implemented reasonably quickly, while others we should rather look at closer to spring, says Handeland. She also points out that students must be active in the process towards the exam. – It is important that students ask questions when they have questions and that you work steadily, says the headmaster.
