High electricity prices lead to an “explosive increase” in the number of people who shower at fitness centers – news Vestland

– There is a cost, after all. But at the same time I understand that it is natural for customers to use the showers, says fitness founder Christin Kalve. For 27 years, she has run the Sport-Treff fitness center in Stord, where the stream price is at the top in the country. The previous bill was 110 per cent higher than at the same time last year. Heating is the biggest electricity expenditure, but more showering contributes to the increase. – Especially young people use the wardrobes much more than before. Some people shower three times a week down here. UROA: Christin Kalve pays twice as much in electricity now than at the same time last year. – I need help, she says. Photo: Eli Bjelland / news Experiencing queues to shower Several people in the industry report the same tendency. One of them is Trygve Amundsen. He is CEO of the fitness chain Nr1 Fitness, which has 36 fitness centers in Norway. – There has been an explosion in the speech of shower ducks. There has never been a queue for showers before, but there is now, he says. The increase started at the end of 2021, and has kept pace with the stream records. This year, the chain is likely to have to pay almost NOK 5 million more in electricity than last year, if the price remains high. This means a threefold increase in expenses at certain centres. The fitness chain Evo also reports increased water consumption. – In general, electricity costs today are three times higher than normal, according to daily manager Morten Hellevang. EDLE DROPAR: Several fitness centers report that customers shower to a greater extent in the changing room before going home. Photo: Eli Bjelland / news Understanding families with several children A group of women of retirement age have gathered for strength training at Sport-Treff. They went home to shower after training, but are very understanding that many have changed their showering habits. – I understand very well that parents with three or four children encourage them to shower during training, says Sofie Økland Junge. – It has become very expensive. And I think young people in particular spend a lot of time in the shower. So I understand that very well, says Liv Berit Økland. REGULAR CUSTOMERS: Every week, Liv Berit Økland and several other women train strength with Christin Kalve. Photo: Eli Bjelland / news – Need help now The government is working with a current support for businesses in crisis, but a solution will not be ready until September. – We want the customers to use our facilities, but we now hope that the authorities will step in with support. The pandemic hit our industry very hard, and now we are struggling because of the electricity crisis, says Trygve Amundsen in Nr1 Fitness. Christin Kalve in Sport-treff is worried about the future. – Now something has to happen. It’s completely depressing. None of the fitness centers news has spoken to are considering closing or charging for showering. The Sats gym chain reports that they have not noticed any noticeable increase in showering at their centres. Fresh Fitness has not experienced an increase in electricity consumption either.
