High demand drives up the price – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary • Tommy Røssback has sold over 14,000 bags this autumn and believes that the increase comes from people learning from last year.• Several other firewood producers news has been in contact with, tell them that they are also sold out.• The price of firewood has increased by approx. . 10 per cent from last year due to big falls in timber prices in the last two years. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. Now when the temperatures drop, the demand for firewood increases. And wood supplier Tommy Rossbach in Skien has sold out. – People “drive” on no. All this is going out, says Rossbach, pointing around the woodshed he runs. This autumn, he has sold over 14,000 bags and believes the increase comes from people learning from last year, when many were sold out early. – This year, people have been out much earlier to order. After the holiday, we had to say online that it is sold out. Everything is sold, unfortunately we are sold out once again, he says. Tommy Røssbach mostly sells smaller bags of firewood from his production hall in Skien. Photo: Stian Waasjø Simonsen / news Sold out in several places Many of the firewood producers open for orders again in November – but for firewood to be delivered the following year. The Vedhallen in Sandefjord, which has room for 900 sacks of 1,500 liters of firewood, has also stopped accepting orders. – I was already sold out early last spring, says Ole Haldor Rogstad at Vedhallen. Several other producers news has also been in contact with, tell them that they are sold out. But at Ramnes Ved outside Tønsberg, the largest firewood producer in Vestfold, they try never to be sold out. – I have firewood in stock and my intention is to have it all winter, says Nils Regin Bøhle at Ramnes Ved. They dry wood on a large scale and can, in theory, cut on Friday and sell on Monday. – Not cheaper next year With him, the liter price of firewood has increased by approx. 10 percent from last year. It comes from big falls in timber prices in the last two years. Last year the timber price doubled and this year it has risen slightly. – The price of wood has increased a lot, but we hardly make any money. Last year I had NOK 130 an hour before tax, which is quite disappointing, says Bøhle. He hopes timber prices will take a solid hit, but he doesn’t think that will happen anytime soon. – I don’t think it will be cheaper next year. Viken skog and Nortømmer have fairly similar prices. And then I can’t lower the prices very much, he says. People are slow to order – I still have a bit of wood left, but it’s running low now, says Per Larsen at Vedcompaniet Larsen at Lonevåg in Osterøy municipality outside Bergen. Larsen thinks people are a little late in ordering firewood this year. – Last year the orders came in the summer, but this year it was autumn before people ordered firewood for the winter. Hølonda Vedsentral in Melhus outside Trondheim still has a lot of wood left in stock. – We still have about half of what we have produced. There are approximately 100 pallets of firewood, says Lars Sunnset. He says that they do not experience a greater demand than usual in Trøndelag. – We have a number of regular customers. So we haven’t announced yet, says Sunnset.
