Hevdar fortune teller predicted Johaug’s doping case – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

The Swedish star reveals this in his autobiography “Shame on those who give,” which was written in collaboration with Johan Esk. Kalla says that in July 2012 she visited a fortune teller in Sundsvall. She admits that she was skeptical, but recognized herself when the fortune teller said: “Your life’s work is to be a star for other women. You are strong, but fragile”. The last thing that came up in the conversation still made Kalla startled: “Wait. I see a Norwegian. She will be flagged for doping. She’s blonde.” news has received permission from the publisher The Book Affair to quote extensively from the book. OPENHJARTA: Charlotte Kalla reveals many secrets in her new autobiography, written in collaboration with Johan Esk. Photo: THE BOOK AFFAIR “Chaos in my head” Kalla writes that she was both surprised and pissed off, and thought: “No, but stop now, Norwegians don’t dope themselves.” Now you’re just an envious Swede who can’t see how hard they work to get where they are”. A few years later, in June 2016, Kalla mentioned the episode to his media adviser, Torbjörn Nordvall. Three months after that again, Kalla received an SMS from the same Nordvall. It contained a link. “I clicked and saw the news. Therese Johaug was accused of doping. There was chaos in my head,” says Kalla in the book. She called Nordvall. The first thing he said was: “Fortune teller”. “God, so weird. I thought exactly the same,” answered Kalla. Clairvoyance According to Wikipedia, someone who calls himself clairvoyant has a claimed ability to obtain information about objects, people, places and events in the present, past and future through perception outside of the known senses. Wikipedia writes that there is no scientific evidence that clairvoyance works, and science explains clairvoyance by the fact that clairvoyants make qualified guesses on the basis of already available information. Johaug and Bjørgen surprise Both Therese Johaug and Marit Bjørgen are left speechless when news tells about the story. – Oi!, says Johaug. – What do you think about it? – It’s quite sick, actually, says Johaug. Bjørgen is no less surprised when she hears the excerpt from the book. – No!? Oh my God, says Bjørgen. – What do you think about it? – I’m a bit like that… There’s more between heaven and earth, I think, and you get a little chills when you hear something like that. And this was in 2012? – Yes, it was in 2012, so four years before… – It’s scary, one can wonder if Charlotte has been there afterwards. Oh! Shit! – I have to say that when it happened, I would have been a bit skeptical about going back and asking about what happens in the future. I have to say that, says Bjørgen. Silent Kalla Kalla has never mentioned the incident to Johaug. – I understand that she hasn’t said that. I am more fascinated by the fact that people can predict things, and that it might be right. In 2012, and then it happens to me in 2016, says Johaug. – Are you superstitious? – Nah. There are certain things I know people have said, which are “a bit psychic”, which are true. – Marit got goosebumps when she heard that? – Yes. I know of a case where we have used some such fortune tellers at home on the farm, who have voted. – Why? – Because we have lost a cow, and then we have wondered where the cow is in the pasture in the summer. Or grandfather’s car keys were lost, and then a fortune teller said they were under the stairs. And we looked under all the steps, but couldn’t find her. Then it was five years ago, then we found the key under the stairs – down in the crawl space at grandma and grandpa’s, says Johaug. Fear of doping In the book, Kalla says that what happened to Johaug was her biggest fear as a skier. Kalla realized how vulnerable she is as a skier. “The reason for a doping conviction would not play enough of a role. I wanted to be condemned forever,” she says, and reveals that the routines in the Swedish team were written after what happened to Johaug. After waiting a long time for a final verdict, Johaug was banned for 18 months for ingesting an anabolic steroid via lip cream. She missed both a WC and an Olympics. FEAR OF DOPING: Being tested for doping was Charlotte Kalla’s biggest fear as an active skier. Now he is current with a book. Photo: Maria Östlin
