Here you can vote in the by-election in Moss – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– I want to be involved and use my voice, says Matilde Brox Bordal. She is 25 years old and lives in Trondheim. But she is still registered in her home municipality of Moss and will vote in the historic by-election. But so far she is not sure when or where she will show up to vote in another municipality. – I haven’t received any information so far, and it’s not just about finding it either, says Bordal. The by-election is the first in Norway in 40 years. Only registered mosses can again find their way to the ballot boxes. Can vote in all the country’s municipalities Several news have been in contact with people who have no idea how to go about casting their vote. But the legislation is clear: Just as in ordinary elections, it must be possible to vote in advance throughout the country. – Every individual voter who does not live in Moss can contact the municipality they wish to vote in, to arrange a time to vote, writes the Directorate of Elections in an email to news. The ballot boxes must be presented again. Photo: Benedicte Goa Ludvigsen / news There are over 41,000 Mossings entitled to vote. Everyone is entitled to be able to vote in any municipality, but they must therefore notify the municipality that they wish to do so. Those who stay abroad also have the same right. – Everyone who stays abroad must be able to vote at embassies and foreign missions, the Norwegian Electoral Directorate informs. Moss municipality: – Difficult – We have a huge job ahead of us, but we are ready and have deployed new resources, says communications manager Therese Evensen in Moss municipality. Evensen is also the election officer in the municipality. She understands that residents such as Bordal, who live outside the municipality, find it difficult to find the right information. Therese Evensen in Moss municipality says they are working actively to inform the residents of the municipality about the by-election. Photo: Rune Fredriksen / news – There is probably not as much focus on by-elections in other municipalities, she says. Evensen has no doubt that it will be difficult to mobilize the Moss to go to the polls again. Therefore, the municipality will provide more information continuously as the election approaches. Forgot to submit ballots The last time a by-election was held in Norway was in 1983. The Mossingen will only vote for the county council election. It is happening after the Industrial and Business Party (INp) demanded a re-election after ballot papers for the party were missing from one of the polling stations on election day. The Ministry of Local Government and Districts accepted the complaint and rejected the election. The result of the by-election will determine who will lead Østfold when the county is resurrected after the divorce from Viken. Want more information Mossingen Matilde Brox Bordal is happy that she can vote in the student town. But she still calls for more information about how the election will be carried out where she lives. – If it becomes very difficult to vote for those who are not in Moss, then the election result can quickly have a different outcome than it could have, says Bordal. Many students do like her, they keep their original registered address, even if they move to another city. The 25-year-old encourages everyone to go to the polls again, especially those of his own age. Because in this year’s election, fewer young people under the age of 30 voted than they did four years ago, figures from Statistics Norway show. – There are many of us who are going to work and are on our way up in life, so it is important to actually express our opinions. Because that is how changes are made, says Bordal. If you are also unsure where, when and how to vote at the by-election, this list can help you: Here you can vote in Moss The advance voting period is from and including 13 November, up to and including 24 November. Election day itself is 27 November. Then you can only cast your vote in Moss municipality. To vote in another municipality, you must contact the municipality you want to vote in and let them know. You must also vote during the advance voting period. Voters living abroad can vote in advance from Monday 6 November to and including Friday 17 November. Here you can vote in advance in Moss: Dronningensgate 17 B Værftsgata 2 A Kambo Center Rygge Storsenter It will also be possible to vote in advance at the Christmas market at Røed Gård on the weekend of 18 to 19 November.
