Here the wolf wanders right outside Therese Mydland’s door – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– I was really surprised, and thought this was a real gold find. On Thursday afternoon, she decided to check the footage from the video camera she has above the door. They show that at 00:45 on Thursday night she had a rare guest. – It was my husband who said that there were several people at work who said they had seen a wolf in the village. I didn’t believe them and thought they must have seen a dog. Mydland lives in the middle of Hauge in Dalane in Sokndal municipality. A place with just over 2,000 inhabitants. – I sent the film to an acquaintance of ours who is a hunter and a little more knowledgeable in the area. He also firmly believed that this must be a wolf. Mydland believes the wolf came from a wooded area a short walk from her home. – It is a hiking area that I use a lot. Therese Mydland is said to have had a wolf walking right outside her home in Hauge in Dalane. Photo: Therese Mydland – Is it scary to think that there could be a wolf here? – A roaming wolf is not dangerous, I think. But if this had been during the day or if I had had small children, I would have thought it was worse. There are a number of farmers with sheep in the area, so it is worse for them, says Mydland. It was Dalane Tidende that first mentioned the wolf sightings. Saw the wolf While Mydland saw the wolf on the recordings, 17-year-old Ninni Lindland Hansen is said to have seen the wolf live. On the night of Thursday, she and her friend are said to have been on their way to her home when the wolf is said to have appeared at the church. – We had been walking for five minutes, and then we see that a large creature comes out from behind the church. At first we thought it must be a loose dog, but then we eventually see that it is a wolf walking. – I was a bit skeptical, but then he stopped against the ground approx. 50 meters away. Then we started talking, and then he just ran away. Lindland Hansen says that she considered calling her father to be picked up, but chose instead to pick up a rock. In case the wolf returned. Ninni Lindland Hansen is said to have seen the wolf in Sokndal. Photo: Private – I carried it all the way home. I’m thinking now that the wolf is going to move on, but I don’t want to go out alone. The 17-year-old says that people did not believe her when she told about the wolf. She herself had been so dazed that she didn’t think to take out her phone to take a picture. But gradually more people have documented that there is a wolf in Sokndal. Rare In 2020, there will have been a felling permit for a wolf in Lund municipality. Otherwise, it is rare to see wolves so close to the coast in western Norway. Kjell-Ivar Nesvåg caught the wolf in Sokndal on his game camera in Gyland. The photos should be from early Thursday morning. – No, it was a bit special. But we probably suspected that there had been a wolf in the area before. But then our pictures are so bad that we could not say with certainty that it has been. The game camera will be located at a disused farm that is uninhabited. – It could be stray animals that are pushed out of a herd, or that it could be animals that are looking for food. Right now there are quite a lot of moose, deer and roe deer in the area, which also have calves. Plus there are many who have sheep. So it is relatively easy to find good food in the area, says Nesvåg. The wolf caught on Kjell-Ivar Nesvåg’s game camera. Photo: Kjell-Ivar Nesvåg No felling permit – for the time being Game manager in the area, Andreas Øfstås, was in contact with Nesvåg after the first pictures of the wolf came. – I very rarely want to claim something stubborn, but most likely it is a wolf, he says to news. – What happens if you start finding carcasses in the area? – Then it will be the case that it must be reported to the Norwegian Nature Conservancy. And then they have to prove that it was actually taken by wolves and nothing else. And then it is up to the state administrator whether a damage deduction permit is to be granted. Currently, this is not a topic according to assistant county environmental protection manager Cathrine Stabel Eltervåg. – We were tipped off by Rogaland Sheep and Goat last night about this wolf. There is an opportunity in the legislation to implement a cancellation of damages, or to grant permission upon application. As of now, there has been no documented damage or received any application for cancellation of damage. Assistant county environmental protection manager, Cathrine Stabel Eltervåg. Photo: Gunnar Morsund / news Published 26.07.2024, at 18.03
