Here, the dog Teodor is rescued after four hours in the rocks on an island in Trøndelag – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– I feel they have saved my dog’s life, and he is everything to me, says a closed dog owner. Charlotte Mollan (33) and her boyfriend were going on an overnight trip to the tiny island of Skarvholman outside Stjørdal in Trøndelag. – We were supposed to sleep in the boat. Just enjoy ourselves, be outside and enjoy the summer, she says. The dog Teodor was of course with us, as a regular travel companion. But the trip took an unexpected turn. The dog Teodor is a good traveling companion for Charlotte. Here they are on a trip at Stammyrvatnet in Stjørdal. Photo: Private Stuck the boom The dog smelled something that he was curious about. – I don’t know if there was a dead animal there or what it was. There was something that triggered him. Enough for him to press his head into the rock wall, the starling told. The couple tried for half an hour to free the dog. – I couldn’t think so much. Only that I had to get him out. We tried to turn his head and move a little to the side, but he was stuck, she says. They also tried to rub his head in with soapy water, to see if he slipped out. When this didn’t close either, the 33-year-old called the fire service in Stjørdal. – I felt it took an eternity before they arrived, but it went quite quickly. Extensive rescue work Fire constable Ketil Aahlberg Krogstad was one of three people from the Værnes region’s fire and rescue service who came to the island to free the dog. They had packed plenty of equipment with them, since they were going to an island with no habitation. The dog was on a small shelf, and it was high down to the sea. They therefore had to secure themselves with ropes. – It was so tight around the dog’s head that we couldn’t get to it. It stuck so well. Fire constable Ketil Aahlberg Krogstad in deep concentration. They had to secure themselves with ropes in the steep terrain. Photo: Værnes region fire and rescue service They also tried soap around the dog’s head and a chisel. To make it as gentle as possible for the dog, they would avoid using a chisel. – We didn’t know how the dog would react. It could have worsened the situation. He says that the owners made a huge effort to keep the dog calm. In the end, there was no other way out than to find an aggregate and use a chisel to get the dog free. – Very easily Around midnight they finally got the dog free after many hours of struggle. – Then I was happy. I was so scared, says the owner. The dog was in good condition after he got free from the rock wall. Here is Ketil Aahlberg Krogstad together with dog owner Charlotte Mollan. Photo: Værnesregionen fire and rescue service Krogstad says it is almost impossible to describe the feeling he was left with then. – You don’t get any better. It was absolutely fantastic, he says. – I was very relieved, because I was so afraid of hurting the dog or making the situation worse than it was, if it suddenly became very time-critical to get him out, he adds. On Saturday, Charlotte surprised the rescue team with doughnuts, flowers and a card with the text: “Forever grateful that there are heroes like you”. – They deserve a thousand times more than that. I just wanted them to know how grateful I am, she says. Charlotte Mollan was so pleased with the efforts of the rescue team that she surprised them with flowers, cards and donuts on Saturday. Photo: Værnes region fire and rescue service
