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Former top diplomat and peace negotiator Kai Eide believes the US is too critical of China’s proposal for a ceasefire process in Ukraine. – The Americans must get their act together here. I think it is unwise not to react more positively, says Eide, who was a guest on Nyhetsmorgen on news on Wednesday morning. He believes the Americans ignore China’s important role as one of Russia’s only interlocutors. In addition, Eide believes the USA should listen to the Ukrainians, who have also shown themselves to be open to talks. – There are probably a number of points in this draft that the Ukrainians find very interesting, says Eide, who adds that he has hope that the peace initiative will develop in the right direction. The Chinese proposal was made by President Xi Jinping during his visit to Moscow this week. Xi is now on his way back home, according to state news channel CCTV. Here are China’s 12 points for a ceasefire in Ukraine On February 23, China put forward a plan for the “Political solution to the Ukraine crisis”, with 12 points: Respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries. Move away from a “cold war mentality” and stop aggressively expanding military alliances. End all fighting, and help calm the tension. Resume peace talks, and keep the dialogue going. Resolve the humanitarian crisis, and arrange for an international aid group. Protect the civilian population and prisoners of war by avoiding attacks and respecting international law. Maintain the safety of all nuclear power plants. Reduce strategic risk, i.e. reduce the danger of the use of nuclear weapons) Facilitate the export of grain. Remove unilateral sanctions. Keeping industrial value chains stable. Promote reconstruction after the war. You can read the entire plan here on the website of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. – Completely shameful Eide is heard from senior researcher at Prio and China expert, Stein Tønnesson. POINTS TO MITIGATING MEASURES: Stein Tønnesson is a senior researcher at Prio. He points out that China’s peace plan contains several important mitigating measures that could lead to a ceasefire. Photo: PRIO – It is completely shameful how this peace plan has been rejected by the West, without being told what it is about, says the peace researcher. He believes the most important thing in the plan is that it contains a number of mitigating measures, including commitments not to use nuclear weapons and arrangements for humanitarian aid, which will be important in the long run to bring about peace. – This is a peace plan that does not say anything about what the content of a peace agreement would be. It is a plan that refers to mitigating measures, says Tønnesson. US Foreign Minister Antony Blinken has subsequently relativized some of the criticism against China’s peace plan and acknowledged that there are a number of positive points in the plan. Photo: EVELYN HOCKSTEIN / AFP – The Chinese realize that a truce is not possible now. What we are waiting for is a Ukrainian offensive. So here, China will actually play a constructive role, bring about a dialogue, and build trust for both parties, he elaborates. He believes the reason for the US’s criticism is the negative view of China that dominates American politics. – There is a perception that the Chinese dictatorship and the party state cannot do anything good. They are the USA’s rival in the world, and if they succeed with their diplomatic advances, they will take over a role that the USA and Europe have had in the past. China proposes, among other things, that both parties should undertake not to attack the nuclear power plants in Ukraine. Photo: ALEXANDER ERMOCHENKO / Reuters Russia and Ukraine positive Both Russia and Ukraine have expressed positive views on China’s peace proposal for the war in Ukraine. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy, for his part, says that they have offered China to become a partner “in the implementation of this recipe for peace”. China’s peace plan will facilitate grain exports from Ukraine to safeguard world food security. Photo: Efrem Lukatsky / AP When China first presented the draft of the plan at the end of February, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said he was open. – We are ready to talk to those who have ideas, he said, but stressed that a peace plan must not cross Ukraine’s “red lines”, which he defines as the UN pact. Russian President Putin describes the plan as a good starting point. At the same time, he was skeptical about what the reaction from the West would be. – The West will fight to the last Ukrainian, he says to the state-run Russian news agency Tass. Sharp criticism from the USA In recent days, the USA has, among other things, expressed suspicion that China is selling drones to Russia. – If China really wants to play a constructive role, then President Xi Jinping should ask Russia to end the invasion of Ukraine, says a spokesman for President Joe Biden’s National Security Council, John Kirby. The Americans believe the Chinese proposal serves the Russians. White House Security Council spokesman John Kirby. Photo: Manuel Balce Ceneta / AP – A ceasefire right now would freeze the front lines and give Russia time and space to send in more equipment and personnel, says Kirby, who adds that the US does not see China as a neutral actor in the war in Ukraine. Britain’s former NATO representative, Lord Ricketts, tells Sky News that both China and Russia see themselves as in a confrontation with the West. – The war is very beneficial for China, both because it makes Russia weaker and gives the Chinese access to Russian oil and gas, says Ricketts. Eide agrees that one cannot accept the entire content of the peace proposal without further ado. – There are formulations in the Chinese initiative that need to be explored further. Among other things, this has to do with territorial integrity. Is it about respecting internationally recognized borders? One would think so, given China’s conservative attitude in this field, says Eide.
