Here the activists are thrown off the track when Johannes Høsflot Klæbo won – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcast schedule

Johannes Høsflot Klæbo won the race ahead of Andrew Musgrave and Didrik Tønseth. – I have spoken to mum and dad, and they said that they had been in a fight in the first round, yes. Suddenly I saw the type of my sister lying holding a vessel in the ditch here. Then I thought “What the hell is going on now?”, says Jan Thomas Jenssen to news. – Does your brother-in-law have a formal role here, or was he an audience member? – He is just a spectator. He took matters into his own hands. He’s not really a fighter, but it’s amazing what he does to help me. THE FAMILY IN ACTION: Jan Thomas Jenssen says that the family had to intervene against the campaigners. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB It was early in the 20-kilometer ski change that the campaigners were stopped. The TV images show that an activist is held down by track guards and dragged across the track and out of the track right after the runners have passed. news also has images of another man who is led by two people away from the track a short time later. – It doesn’t belong. Politics and sports are not connected. Idiot. They would have been beaten if I had got hold of them, says Jenssen to news. – It holds now According to the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet, the demonstrators tried to roll out a banner, but were stopped by security personnel. Pål Golberg looks dejected when he tells news about the campaigners. – Did you notice them? – No, replies Golberg. – Then you will get to see the video, says news’s ​​reporter. – No, I’m not interested. – What do you think about that? – It will do now. LEI: Pål Golberg thinks that actions in the cross-country track are fine. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB Halfvarsson: – There was a wrestling match Calle Halfvarsson did not notice that the demonstrators were removed, but he saw that there were fights between the activists and officials along the track: – I saw that they were lying and writhing next to the track . It was a wrestling match. I don’t know if that’s what they want, to keep making noise like that. I don’t know exactly if this helps the environment. – Golberg says that “it will do now”. What do you think? – Yes, come on. There must be other ways to fight for the environment in this regard. Do they have to ruin different sports? THEN WRESTLING: Calle Halfvarsson witnessed the activists “lying and writhing by the side of the track”. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB – It was fun In the race itself, Johannes Høsflot Klæbo was completely superior. The Norwegian superstar was in control from start to finish and won ahead of British Andrew Musgrave and compatriot Didrik Tønseth. – It was fun. It was an easy trail. When the skating started, I had crazy good skis, says a satisfied Klæbo to news. Simen Hegstad Krüger took the sour fourth place. Calle Halfvarsson was fifth. One year since the protest in Lillehammer This is not the first time the cross-country circus has been visited by campaigners. Just over a year ago, several protesters lined up in the track with a banner. Then several runners reacted strongly. – I don’t think anything of it. It can be both dangerous and scary. I don’t think anything of demonstrations on the road, at sporting events. They are just trying to destroy and I think it is sad, Emil Iversen told news then. Earlier on Saturday, Swedish Ebba Andersson showed super form and secured a superior victory over the same distance for women. Heidi Weng came third.
