Here, Princess Durek promotes Verrett’s controversial symbol – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

In recent weeks, several federations and associations have renounced Princess Märtha Louise as their patron. The background is the controversies surrounding the princess’ fiance, Durek Verrett, and his attitudes towards alternative medicine. Among other things, he sells on his website a medallion with a symbol he calls “Quinterium” on it. This should have healing powers. The princess has previously not wanted to answer questions about Verrett’s attitudes. At the same time, Verrett has previously shared a photo of the princess on her Instagram profile, where she is holding a cup with the Quinterium symbol. Here, the princess promotes Durek Verrett’s controversial symbol on a cup. Photo: Screenshot / Instagram/@shamandurek “Check out our mugs with Quinterium. My girl wears her mug in style,” he writes under the photo. Both her official princess account and her more unofficial account on Instagram are tagged. – It is concrete proof that the princess vouches for at least some of what Durek Verrett stands for, and here by advertising one of his products, says Caroline Vagle, royal house reporter in Se og Hør. Caroline Vagle, royal reporter for Se og Hør, believes the princess agrees with her fiance’s statements through the Instagram post. Photo: ISMAIL BURAK AKKAN / news Vagle is clear that Märtha Louise and Durek Verrett must be allowed to be themselves and say what they want, but: – I would say that by standing with his product, she also agrees with much of what he stands for. So it is important to say that people should be allowed to believe exactly what they want. The problem is that Verrett claims he can do treatments that are not scientifically documented, and which can put people in a difficult situation. Märtha Louise and Durek Verrett are both active on Instagram. Photo: Daryl Henderson / NTB scanpix Spokesperson for the princess, Carina Scheele Carlsen, has no comment on the matter on Thursday evening, and says the princess is unavailable. – Not suitable Trond Blindheim is a lecturer at the department of marketing at Kristiania University College. He is an expert in, among other things, PR, reputation and branding. – It is not appropriate that the leading spokesperson for alternative medicine in Norway should at the same time protect patient associations that depend on school medicine, he says to news about Princess Märtha Louise. – It is a paradox. I think it is strange that she does not see it herself, and withdraws from these protective roles, if not for domestic peace for the sake of the royal house. PR expert Trond Blindheim believes it is not appropriate that Märtha Louise is the patron of patient associations, all the while her fiance is promoting alternative medicine. Photo: ISMAIL BURAK AKKAN / news Blindheim believes the princess must choose whether she wants to represent what he calls the “representative public” or the “alternative public” in Norway. – The royal house’s integrity is at stake. Now it must be that there must either be greater distance between the princess and Durek if the two are to continue with that business, or they must stop being spokespersons for the alternative movement. – Witch burning One of those who have shown their support for the princess is lawyer, former police chief and author Hanne Kristin Rohde. She reacts strongly to Blindheim’s statements that the confederations that have the princess as their protector should renounce her in this role. – I think it is leading public opinion to believe that this is something that should be considered. Then I react to the fact that Märtha is not seen as an independent person, but that she should refrain as a woman when her fiance makes statements, says Rohde. Hanne Kristin Rohde calls the criticism of Princess Märtha Louise a modern witch-burning. Photo: Kolonihaven She wonders if the same debate would have arisen if there was a fiancee of a prince who had made the same statements as what Durek Verrett is doing now. – To me, this reminds me of a modern witch burning, to put it a little more bluntly. Rohde will not say whether the princess takes a stand by holding the mug with Durek Verrett’s symbol on it in a post on social media. – You’ll have to ask Märtha Louise about that, I don’t know. Pointing to three solutions Royal House expert Trond Norén Isaksen says it is becoming urgent to find a solution to the controversies surrounding Durek Verrett and Märtha Louise. – What can she do to release this focus? – That is the big question. It is difficult for the royal family to find a good solution, says Norén Isaksen. Royal house expert Trond Norén Isaksen believes there are three solutions for Märtha Louise. Photo: ISMAIL BURAK AKKAN / news He nevertheless points to three outcomes: The princess can clarify her position vis-à-vis Verrett and his business. She can stop representing the royal house completely, by not doing representation missions, not having any patrons and not having an office in the castle. She can renounce, or be stripped of, the title of princess. This should, and probably will, be the last resort, Norén Isaksen believes.
