Here, Jon Fosse accepts the proof that he is a Nobel Prize winner – news Culture and entertainment

– Stepping into Jon Fosse’s world is like coming to a funnel of the greatest turmoil and final pain. His rich writing revolves around the guilty man’s perplexities, and difficulties in finding a way in life. This is how Professor Anders Olsson opened his presentation of the Norwegian author when it was Fosse’s turn to receive the gold medal and diploma from King Carl Gustaf. Jon Fosse smiled when he received congratulations, a medal and a diploma from King Carl Gustaf. Photo: Claudio Bresciani/TT / NTB To the tunes of Mozart, Fosse and the nine other prize recipients trod onto the traditional blue carpet that covers the podium in the concert hall during the awarding of the Nobel prizes. This is the part of the Nobel weekend where the proof of the Nobel Prize itself is presented by the Swedish king. The distribution is seen as very solemn. Jon Fosse waited almost an hour before it was his turn. Around his neck, he asks for proof that he is a commander of the royal Norwegian Order of St. Olav, to which he was appointed in 2005. Photo: Silje Robertsen These attended the award: Medicine: Drew Weissman and Katalin Karikó for the basic research behind the mRNA vaccine. Chemistry: Aleksej Jekimov, Moungi G. Bawendi and Louis E. Brus for the work with quantum dots. Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics: Claudia Goldin, who is known for her research on women in the labor market. Physics: Pierre Agostini, Anne L’Huillier and Ferenc Krausz for their work in attosecond physics. Literature: Jon Fosse, to give voice to what cannot be said. – On a par with Grieg and Ibsen Literary critic for news, Anne Cathrine Straume, followed the ceremony closely and was clearly moved when it was all over. – It was a lovely speech, and it was so clear that Professor Anders Olsson has a personal relationship with Fosse’s writing, and summed up so many of Fosse’s qualities. During the ceremony, Fosse was honored with music by Grieg and lyrics by Ibsen. Straume believes that Fosse can now join the ranks of such names. – Now Fosse is up there with our two great international artists, said Straume about the tribute. news has not received a comment from Fosse about how he experienced the ceremony. The author has previously been open about the fact that he has dreaded the Nobel weekend in advance, but told news on Friday that he felt in charge of the Swedes. Jon Fosse in an exclusive interview with news after he had given his Nobel lecture. Fosse is the guest of honor at the “festenes fest” Even though the prize winners are now a gold medal and a Nobel Prize certificate richer, the celebration is not quite over yet. At 19:00 the prize winners will be honored at what is called the “festenes fest” – the large Nobel banquet in honor of this year’s winners . Inside the golden hall in Stockholm’s State House are 1,300 invited guests. ARCHIVE: Brain researcher May-Britt Moser was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine together with her husband Edvard Moser in 2014. During the banquet, she was placed between King Carl Gustaf and Prince Daniel. Photo: Claudio Bresciani / NTB scanpix In addition to the award winners and the Swedish royal family, members of the Swedish Academy, the government and researchers from all over the world will also attend the banquet. Culture Minister Lubna Jaffery and Samlaget (Fosse’s publishing house) are among those invited. The dress code at the banquet is strict, and all 1,300 on the guest list have received an envelope in advance containing an accurate description of the dress code. The Minister of Culture will wear his Hardanger bunad at the banquet, while Fosse (and all men) must stick to dresses and vests, as he was also dressed during the award ceremony.
