Here it will be sunny on Christmas Eve – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– There is little doubt that the south and east of Norway will have the very best weather. Here it will be mostly sun and the highest temperatures, says state meteorologist Marit Berger. The very best weather does not come until a little later in the day. – It can start a little gray and wet in parts of southern Norway. It will rain in several places early in the day, but when you arrive in the afternoon it flashes, Berger says. Strong wind However, there is a line in the bill. Strong winds from the southwest can put an end to Sankthans bonfires in several places in southern Norway. – Western Norway gets the strongest wind. From Vestland county and north along the coast towards Trøndelag, it will blow up towards a light gale, Berger says. The slinningsbålet in Ålesund was in 2018 Norway’s largest. The height was 36 meters. Photo: Halvard Alvik / NTB There may also be some wind in the Skagerrak, but far less than further north in the country. – The weather winners live a little inland, especially in Eastern Norway, she says. Fire chief Jan Røilid in the Kristiansand region fire and rescue reminds that there is a general ban on bonfires throughout Norway. – It is just as illegal to light a fire on Christmas Eve as any other summer day. He says that the rules vary in the country and asks people to check their municipality. Some give general permission to light a fire on Christmas Eve, while elsewhere you must apply for a dispensation. – To light a fire, wind conditions are a prerequisite. In addition, you must place the fire safely and have extinguishing agents available, says Røilid. Photo: Weather losers From central Norway and northwards it will be more gray and wet. And the further north you get in the country, the more it will be raining. – It is unfortunately northern parts of Trøndelag, Nordland, Troms- and Finnmark that get the worst weather. Here, it will only be easier after the celebration is over, Berger says. And it is uncertain whether there will be any bonfire at all. – In this area, there will be a light southwesterly to stiff gale, Berger says. However, there is one exception. – East of Finnmark the day starts gray, but it gets better throughout the day. State meteorologist Marit Berger. Photo: Meteorological Institute Heat wave in Europe gives weather effect The next day will also be warmer in large parts of southern Norway. This is due to a weather system with low pressure over Great Britain and high pressure over the Baltic countries. As a result, warm air masses from southern Europe are being pulled north. In Eastern Norway, it can be maximum temperatures of 27 degrees. – We are not talking about heat waves with us, but it will be very hot, says Berger.
