Here is NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg at Trænafestivalen – news Nordland

– I am going to a concert with my daughter, says Stoltenberg when news meets him at Træna. On Saturday, the NATO chief’s daughter, Catharina Stoltenberg, will perform on the festival’s closing day. She plays in the electronics duo Smerz, together with Henriette Motzfeldt. Stoltenberg that he will stay at the festival until Sunday. – It is fantastic on Træna, lots of nice people, beautiful nature and good music. And even though most of them are much younger than me, there is a great atmosphere. Hear news Nordland broadcast live from Trænafestivalen: Very difficult in NATO – Is it good to have a short break considering everything that happens? – Yes, it is. Because it is very difficult we have been with NATO for a long time, and especially after the war in Ukraine began in February. Then it’s nice to come to Norway. I love Norway and it is especially nice to be in such a beautiful and beautiful place as Træna. Stoltenberg says he has been to Helgeland a lot in other contexts, but has never been to the island municipality Træna before. GOOD MOOD: Jens Stoltenberg was in a good mood at the Træna Festival. Here he is in conversation with news journalist Dina Danielsen. Photo: Per-Willy Larsen Planning a mountain trip Apart from the daughter’s concert, the NATO chief is most looking forward to going on a mountain trip. – It is to get over to the other islands that are outside here, which I have not been to. You can go up on the mountains there, so I plan to get up there either later today or tomorrow, to see even more sea and even more beautiful and beautiful nature. The island of Sanna is the closest neighbor to the administration center Husøy. The highest point on the island is Trænstaven, 338 meters above sea level. The island also has the cave Kirkhelleren, in which the daughter will perform on Saturday. Wearing hiking trousers, a windproof jacket and boots, Stoltenberg comes up with a good festival tip: – Wear proper clothes, boots and wool underwear. At least when you’re out here. I’ve taken my mountain clothes. They usually go on mountain hikes and then they definitely stay on Træna as well, he says. NATO Commander: Jens Stoltenberg arrived by plane at Sandnessjøen on Thursday afternoon. He will continue to the Træna Festival, which begins on Thursday. Photo: Tips Traveled beyond Thursday Thursday afternoon he landed by Widerøe plane in Sandnessjøen, together with his wife Ingrid Schulerud and several security guards. From here they traveled by speedboat to Træna, and arrived on Thursday night. The head of the Training Festival, Viggo Randal, told news on Thursday that they have known about the visit for some time already. – I can confirm that. He’s almost a rock star today. It is a great visit for us. KIRKHELLEREN: Fay Wildhagen performed in Kirkhelleren during the Træna Festival in 2021. Photo: Aurora Henni Krogh / news Unique concert arena Stoltenberg’s daughter has been awarded the festival’s most unique concert arena, Kirkhelleren. The historic cave is located on the island of Sanna, and has for many years hosted several of the festival’s highlights. Last year, Fay Wildhagen played in the cave, a concert that news showed the same autumn. The cave is not only interesting for festival participants. Researchers have also shown interest in the place for a long time. In February, scientists were able to establish that there has been human activity in the cave as far back as 9000 years ago. Facts about Kirkhelleren Photo: Tore Meek / SCANPIX Kirkhelleren is a large cave on the island of Sanna in Træna municipality in Nordland. The cave is 45 meters deep, 20 meters wide and 32 meters high, and is formed by wave erosion. Traces of human activity from both the Stone Age and the Iron Age have been found in Kirkhelleren. Every summer during the Træna Festival, Kirkhelleren is also used as a concert venue, as it has a naturally good acoustics (pictured). (source: Wikipedia) The training festival was severely limited in 2020 due to the pandemic, and also last year the festival arranged a stripped-down version. Despite the fact that prominent artists such as Fay Wildhagen, Arif, Tix, Halvdan Sivertsen and Kapteinen performed, only 400 tickets were sold as a result of the corona situation. See Fay Wildhagen perform in Kirkhelleren during last year’s Trænafestival: Far out to sea, near the Arctic Circle, inside the cave Kirkehelleren. And with the audience present. Join Fay Wildhagen’s evocative musical universe.
