Here is his tip – Long reading from news Trøndelag

At secondary school, Joachim Østreng received the first comments that he was chubby. Although the outgoing teenager played hockey and soccer, and had a group of friends who were almost like brothers, he felt that something was not right. Here you can chat with Joachim and ask your questions! The story about him continues under the comments section. Hi! Welcome to dialogue at news. Since you are logged in to other news services, you don’t have to log in again here, but we need your consent to our terms of use for online dialogue. Maybe things started to slip a little when he was placed in the football goal rather than in midfield. Joachim found it pleasant to move less and eat crap food. A while. He says he grew up to be a chubby, unhealthy teenager. That person is no longer traceable. Further down you can read Joachim’s top 3 tips for people who want to change their lifestyle. In 2019, his work capacity and winning instinct earned Joachim the title of Personal Trainer of the Year in Norway’s largest training chain. His strength and endurance secured him a 22nd place out of 40 in his debut at the NM in functional fitness this autumn – after initially failing to qualify. And in October, he and his partner took first place in the Battle of Sandvika. With his versatility and fierce competitive instinct as his main weapon, he reached episode nine of Norway’s toughest 2022 – the reality series where presenter Jørgine “Funygine” Massa Vasstrand puts 10 young people to the test, physically and mentally, through tough competitions. Joachim got a fifth place. Only a fifth place, according to himself. It was a mental breakdown that ensured that. The night he found out Joachim Østreng (25) grew up in Vålerenga on Oslo’s eastern edge. As an only child, he created his own “sibling pack” of friends. Here he is, on the left in the picture, with some of them: They were out a lot playing and playing football and hockey. His parents were always present, creating a safe environment. For around seven years, Joachim lived without knowing what his actual flesh and blood was. He hadn’t understood, even though his parents had never kept anything a secret. – I entered my parents’ bedroom and said I wanted a little brother. Then they sat up on the edge of the bed. The boy wanted a sibling, like “everyone else”. Joachim thinks he remembers what they said: “We’ve tried”. The parents said they could not have children. That they had made several tests with test tubes, which he did not know what it was. Then they told about the adoption. That they had taken him in when he was a baby. He was adopted. – I think that gradually over time it dawned on me what all this meant. His relationship with his parents never changed. They are, and always will be, mom and dad. Regardless of flesh and blood. Can body pressure be good? Joachim remained an only child, and I think that probably contributed to his being a bit spoiled. With driving here and there, to training and matches. But one day it ended. Joachim did what more and more young people are now doing: quit organized sports in favor of something else; the fitness center. He was 16 years old and dissatisfied and felt pressure to change. He didn’t want, and shouldn’t, be the chubby and unhealthy one anymore. A friend lured him into the strength room at school. It quickly became a place for freedom and mastery. Joachim didn’t have to deal with other people and a timetable. He managed to shut out everything else. In there, it was about one thing. To lift. Heavy. Joachim experienced the progress: Heavier and heavier lifts became easier and easier. The mirror image changed. – I am not saying that body pressure is good. But pressure in general in everyday life I think is important. Pressure to deliver well on the exam. Push for good health. Many people suffer from overweight and obesity today, and a lot of bad things come with it. It was the pressure from outside that made me aware that my lifestyle was not sustainable. Among iron bars, weight plates and monkey bars, Joachim is at home. It doesn’t have to be about a six pack, but about health. Concerned teachers The body comments from people didn’t stop. But now it wasn’t other young people who called him chubby – it was teachers who thought he was becoming extreme. – In two years I didn’t eat sweets and didn’t drink soft drinks. I trained two or three times a day. I had turned drastically. The teachers said it could go wrong. That I could get hurt and so on. The Oslo boy says he can quickly become extreme, either in one direction or the other. There’s a lot he doesn’t want to do, but when he does go for something, it’s with (tattooed) skin and (bleached) hair. All in. Or nothing. That’s why it hurt to get out of Norway’s toughest. After he had thought about it. A mental crack Many of Joachim’s acquaintances thought he had to sign up for Norway’s toughest. – My hairdresser came with the last, little push, he says. While the hairdresser fixed his hair, Joachim filled in the application form. “I think I’m the toughest and that I’m going to take that title home to Oslo where it belongs,” he wrote. – I had an inkling that I would come along, laughs the 25-year-old. – I felt I had what was needed, and maybe a little extra twinkle in my eye. When he met the nine other participants, he was quite put off by the high level this season, and realized this was going to be a real fight. He has stood on tin cans under freezing, running water. Walked kilometer upon kilometer with logs in tow. Buried alive. There was poor sleep and long days with little food. How did it go with a person who was supposed to win, but who smoked in the middle of the competition? The last thing he was allowed to do in Norway’s toughest requirements for precision, concentration and endurance. Swim in cold water, climb ashore and then sprint wet and chilled up stairs. And when the lactic acid raced through his body, he had to find his composure, aim – and hit. Joachim believes the head put the body completely out of action. From indifferent to bitter regret – I am a very impatient person – and there was a lot of waiting during the recording of Norway’s toughest. It became tiring mentally for me and I couldn’t focus. I was bored and couldn’t be present at the competition. I couldn’t be screwed. “Can he keep his cool when it comes down to it?” asked Jørgine “Funkygine” Massa Vasstrand in the presentation of the participants in Norway’s toughest 2022. The answer to that can quickly be no, says Joachim himself. At first he was indifferent. The same if he smoked – he was so bored. The next morning, when he woke up in a soft, clean hotel bed, the regret came. Could he have given more?! He could have fought harder?! – I felt I had wasted a great opportunity. 3 tips from Joachim The solution was to get on. Set new goals. In his sights now, he has a podium finish in the crossfit competition Oslo Throwdown 2022 and qualification for the NM in functional fitness 2023 (which for the sake of simplicity we can call the crossfit NM). In addition, he still works as a personal trainer. He has managed to motivate himself to a healthy life. Now he finds meaning in helping others achieve the same. news asked about his best advice for people who need a lifestyle change. “It’s perfectly fine if you need some time to think before you give the tips, we can talk later!” No, let’s go! The answer is cash. He doesn’t have to think. Here are Joachim’s top 3 tips: Find your activity Many simply dislike exercise. The first tip is to explore different physical activities and find what you actually like. Because it’s guaranteed to be something. Dancing, boxing, strength training… It doesn’t matter. As long as you think it’s fun, it will get you going. Get a helper The second step is to get a partner – someone who knows the form of training you have chosen. Whether it’s a teacher or a friend. You need someone on the sidelines who can help you cope. If you start on your own, it is also easier to drop the whole thing. Create a routine We quickly get into a certain groove, and then it can be difficult to get into a new one. For better or worse. Many people who want to change their lifestyle go too hard. From 0 to 100 faster than a Tesla Roadster. The result can quickly be injuries and burnout, or you just get bored. A routine must be built. Start small with your activity twice a week. Then three. So four. So twice a day six days a week? No, you don’t actually have to be that extreme. Unless you want to become one of Norway’s best crossfitters, that is.
