Here is a message about Andrew Tate in one of the Armed Forces’ bars – news Troms og Finnmark

Attentive viewers of Dagsrevyen on Wednesday noticed a bar menu in one of the Armed Forces’ commanders’ messes in the case of alcohol in the Armed Forces. On the board was written: #freetate. The topic peg that is set in connection with Andrew Tate is now being discussed on social media. “Is it really ‘freetate’ on the menu of this bar in the Armed Forces that was featured on the Dagsrevyen tonight? “Oh damn…! This is only getting worse and worse”. “Holy shit! Dark humor. We have to cancel that right away!” Rødt politician Håvard Krogstad-Wiborg was among those who reacted. – A bit of a slap in the face, I was just disappointed. It’s not an innocent topic peg. Here, someone has taken a position on Andrew Tate, says Krogstad-Wiborg to news. Tate, who has been described as the internet’s most dangerous man, is charged with several criminal offences. The defense responds below in the case. – Dark and gloomy Someone who knows a lot about the internet phenomenon Andrew Tate is sociologist, author and journalist Linn Stalsberg. She says the topic peg can be interpreted in several ways. – It can be meant humorously, ironically, it can mean nothing. The scariest thing is if it means that “he tells it like it is”, and that’s a bit of the weirdest thing about Tate to me then. She has previously described his message as dark and gloomy, and that it is about men being more valuable than women. Author, sociologist and journalist, Linn Stalsberg. Photo: Privat That Tate can also be a topic in the military does not surprise her. – Both the military and the Armed Forces as an idea and Andrew Tate as a kind of figure, lean very heavily on masculine ideals of being strong and brave. – It’s the kind of boyish atmosphere that can easily arise in environments where there are many young boys together. And that guy atmosphere is largely about being politically incorrect, and especially towards women, says Stalsberg. Have removed the topic peg from the board The Armed Forces distance themselves from the topic peg. – I do not think anything of this and does not reflect the Armed Forces or what the Armed Forces stand for. That’s what Roger Røsnes, who is senior adviser for canteens, bar operations and the bindery centre, says. The Norwegian Defense Forces states that they have not registered the subject peg during opening hours. news visited the commanders’ fair in question when it was closed. Before opening, the bartender spotted it and wiped it out, according to the relevant department. They do not know who is behind it and why it was written, but that it must be seen as an isolated incident. – Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that individuals do and write stupid things, but must be interpreted as the isolated incident that it is, writes the management of the department in an email.
