Heralds historic breakthrough in energy research – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The result of the experiment could be a big step towards clean energy, which can help to stop dependence on fossil fuels, writes CNN. – If this is confirmed, then we will witness a historic blink of an eye. That’s what Dr. Arthur Turrell says to the Financial Times, who writes that American researchers at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory have for the first time succeeded in producing a surplus of so-called fusion energy. Researchers at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) in California have neither confirmed nor denied the breakthrough, but US Energy Minister Jennifer Granholm will announce a major scientific breakthrough on Tuesday, writes NTB. – It is a milestone, as proof that the research is on the right track, but it does not change anything for us ordinary people, says a professor at the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden, writes Aftonbladet.
