Henrik Ingebrigtsen criticizes Jakob Asserson Ingebrigtsen’s choice to run a half marathon – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– I initially thought it was unnecessary. That is the harsh verdict from Henrik Ingebrigtsen (33) after seeing a rare collapse from his younger brother Jakob Asserson Ingebrigtsen (23) at the half-marathon distance. For the most part it seemed to go smoothly, at least up to ten kilometers. Then there was a sudden stop for Jakob Asserson Ingebrigtsen, who was completely exhausted. – Now, in a way, he gets a lot of lessons, both positive and negative, says Henrik Ingebrigtsen to news after the race. Photo: Anders Skjerdingstad – Bad done to himself The race for Jakob Asserson Ingebrigtsen takes place only a day and a half after he won the 1500 meters during the Diamond League final in Brussels. – I think it is really bad for oneself to start an exercise you are not ready for. But it’s an extremely honest exercise if you don’t have the necessary capacity, and if you’re not here to run 21 km, then it will be difficult, says Henrik Ingebrigtsen. RUNNING BROTHERS: Jakob Ingebrigtsen (left) together with Henrik Ingebrigtsen after the EC gold in the 5000 meters in June. Photo: BILDBYRÅN This was the first time Jakob Asserson Ingebrigtsen passed over 20 kilometers – both in a competition context, but also in a training context, says Henrik Ingebrigtsen. – You had actually recommended that he go home? – Yes, I think it’s stupid that when you run a half marathon, you’re not prepared. But he wouldn’t have done it if he had been prepared for other things. news expert praises Ingebrigtsen’s participation While big brother Henrik criticizes the half-marathon election, the main character is only a few meters away. When news brings up his older brother’s criticism of Jakob Asserson Ingebrigtsen, he points out, somewhat jokingly, that he has at least received a medal for completion. – I got this here. I wouldn’t have gotten it if I wasn’t involved, Jakob Asserson Ingebrigtsen answers to news. – So was it worth the trip? – Absolutely, concludes the 23-year-old. DONE: Jakob Asserson Ingebrigtsen lay flat in the streets of Copenhagen after the finish line. Photo: Martin Sylvest / NTB news’s ​​athletics expert, Vebjørn Rodal, thinks that just taking part in such a race was tough for the athletics star. – If he has an ambition for a half-marathon, it might be good to taste the level. He tackles a 10 kilometer in around 27.30. It was hard work, good for the psyche not to give up, Rodal adds and follows up: – He probably should have trained anyway today. It’s a very well-paid training session, says the former Olympic champion in the 800 meters from 1996. Considering the end of his career Henrik Ingebrigtsen interrupted this year’s season with an injury. In Copenhagen, he was there to see his brother Jakob Ingebrigtsen run the Copenhagen half-marathon, a race he himself ran last year. He has not competed in a race since the EC in Rome in June, where he finished far behind in the 5000 metres. – What is the status of the body? – I don’t have a good answer to that, says Henrik Ingebrigtsen to news. MAY BE OVER: Henrik Ingebrigtsen during an event in Stockholm where he took part in the 5000 metres. Photo: JESPER ZERMAN / BILDBYRÅN He tells news that he is in training and says that the quality of the training is better than it has been earlier this summer. – Are you going to bet another season, or are you not going to bet another season? – We’ll see. I don’t know, I don’t have an answer, says Henrik Ingebrigtsen, who shrugs his shoulders and walks further into the interview area. news’s ​​athletics expert Vebjørn Rodal points out that everything has an end, also for Henrik Ingebrigtsen. – Everything has an end. Both financially and socially, he has not received very much in return for the work he has put in. He’s starting to grow up. Everything has an end, so seeing the end of the journey is not a big bombshell, says Rodal. Published 15.09.2024, at 12.12 Updated 15.09.2024, at 12.19
