Henriette Jæger broke Amalie Iuel’s cushioning rule – in a frenzy after the EC disappointment – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– It slowly but surely sunk in that one must be satisfied in a way. But I’m hungry for more, and I can be honest about that. This is what Henriette Jæger says to news while she is waiting for her luggage at Gardermoen on Thursday afternoon. Almost two days have passed since she finished fourth in the 200 meters in Rome. Fourth place in the EC for a 20-year-old debutant may not sound like something to be disappointed about. It was easy to see that Jæger was still right after the race. FAR DOWN: Henriette Jæger does not think she will get past fourth place in the EC until she has won a medal. Photo: Vegard Grøtt / BILDBYRÅN And little has changed for the girl who had smashed the Norwegian records in both 200, 300 and 400 meters ahead of the European Championships. – I’ve thought about it a surprising amount, and that’s how I tend to be. I struggle to sleep after things like that, says Jæger. Was given a break Even before she left the stadium on Tuesday evening, she had been comforted by her teammates. Amalie Iuel also gave her well-intentioned advice. – Amalie said I had a deadline of two hours, but I think I have gone a little overtime from her. I’ve tried to put it away from me now, but it just doesn’t work, I felt, acknowledged the great talent. The fact that the result was worse than she had hoped, and the time perhaps a little weaker than she expected, means that she is now faced with a difficult choice. Will she run 200 or 400 meters during the Olympics in Paris at the beginning of August? Trainer-mother Unn Merete Lie Jæger confirms that they are in a frenzy. STRONG SEASON: Here, Henriette Jæger celebrates the Norwegian record in the 400 meters during the Bislett Games. Photo: Vegard Grøtt / BILDBYRÅN Hoping for a clear answer EC did not give any answers that made the decision easier. – Actually, we hoped that you had taken the direct requirement of 200 metres. And maybe even run a little faster. Then I think it would have been 200 in the Olympics, she says to news. So far, Jæger has not met the Olympic requirement for 200 metres, but she is so well placed in the world rankings that she faces a real choice anyway. Both mother and daughter agree that the decision must be made so early that it controls the preparations. If they go for 200 metres, Unn Merete Lie Jæger is clear that the focus must be on initial training – at the same time as there will be less endurance training. TAKE THE BLAME: Amalie Iuel sprinted Norway to a Norwegian record in the EC relay, but still took the blame for not making it to the final. Photo: Vegard Grøtt / BILDBYRÅN – Gotta pull yourself together What is absolutely certain is that Henriette Jæger will run the 4×400 meter relay in Paris – together with Amalie Iuel, among others. And that Jæger was unable to meet the deadline she was given, Iuel is very understanding. – It is easier to give advice to others than to follow them yourself, says Iuel, who says that the rule comes from her trainer, Leif Olav Alnes. – Then he will stroke your hair, and then you will have a shoulder to cry on. But after that, you have to pull yourself together and think ahead, she explains. Then Iuel admits that she was also unable to follow the rules after her EC disappointment. The 30-year-old took all the blame for a bad exchange which led to Norway being knocked out in the semi-finals of the EC relay. – Still depressing myself – I still depress myself, confirms Iuel, who does not necessarily see it as negative. – I think it’s healthy to feel a little bit that you might not be completely satisfied. Then you just have to make sure that you run even faster next time. She herself now has the son Storm as a medicine against sporting fatigue. – I have become the funniest person in the world, so he laughs and laughs at me, and children’s laughter must be the best therapy, I think, says Amalie Iuel. Henriette Jæger, on the other hand, only has one thing to focus on: – It’s just getting home and getting some exercise! Published 13.06.2024, at 20.52 Updated 13.06.2024, at 21.11
