Helsetopp gets 1 million in severance package – Now Rødt demands a cap on executive salaries – news Nordland

On Monday this week, it was announced that the CEO of Helse Nord RHF is stepping down from his position after three years in the job. One of the reasons for leaving is Daae’s health challenges, which she believes are not compatible with being a director. Daae will formally resign on 26 November, but is currently on sick leave and will not act as director until then. On Wednesday, it became known through Nordlys that she will receive a severance payment of half a year’s salary when the notice period expires on 31 May. In the termination agreement that the newspaper has seen, it is stated that Daae is “entitled to severance pay equivalent to salary for six months after the termination date”. The director already has NOK 2.075 million in annual salary, which means that she will be paid in excess of NOK 1 million when she leaves next spring. Demanding a salary cap in the health care system Party leader in Rødt, Bjørnar Moxnes, believes that the politicians must address executive salaries in the public sector and is now demanding a salary cap. – This shows a lack of ambition, but it is a political responsibility to bring down these sky-high top salaries in the state. Bjørnar Moxnes is party leader in Rødt and demands a salary cap on executive salaries in the healthcare system, as well as a review of existing agreements. Photo: Cicilie S. Andersen / news That is why he is now demanding a cap on the total salary, including supplements and pension. In addition, he believes that the Storting should ask the government to review all agreements on severance pay and bonuses in the Norwegian healthcare companies. – It must not be at a higher level than that which applies to the Minister of Health at any time, i.e. NOK 1.6 million. It should be fair and reasonable, says Moxnes. Almost 200 top health officials earned more than the health minister. The director of Helse Nord is not alone in having a high salary in Norwegian health enterprises. An overview that Klassekampen did a year ago showed that a total of 198 managers earned more than the then Minister of Health Bent Høie (H). He then had NOK 1.4 million in annual salary. 70 of these managers earned more than the prime minister did, i.e. NOK 1.7 million. – It is provocative for many, especially for those who work on the floor in the healthcare system, says Moxnes. – But is it so dangerous with 2 million in annual salary if you have hired a competent manager in the healthcare company? – There is no proven connection between directors’ pay and the skill of these directors. Moxnes believes that it is entirely possible to find good people who will take such an important job for society for one and a half million kroner. Especially when you see how many people work for far less in the healthcare system. – If the only motivation for leading a healthcare company is to have over 2 million in salary, then you may not be the right person for the job. Deficit of over half a billion Also in the socialist left party there is a reaction to the management salaries. – No manager should have a different type of termination agreement than ordinary employees, says Marian Hussein. She is spokesperson for health policy in SV, and reacts to the fact that Daae will earn well from the position she has held, a full six months after she has left it. Marian Hussein, spokesperson for health policy in SV, says that state enterprises must first and foremost work to achieve the purposes they are set to take care of. Photo: Nadir Alam / news – There are no nurses who receive a six-month severance package when they leave. She points out that Helse Nord has had major financial problems for a long time. The accounts for September show that Helse Nord has a deficit of NOK 533 million so far this year. In October, Minister of Health Ingvild Kjerkol told the health authority to consider savings measures. Next Wednesday, these will be discussed with Helse Nord, writes Helgelands Blad. – The finances of Helse Nord are in shambles, so here there is really no more money than every kroner should go to healthcare personnel, says Hussein. Hussein says that there is no link between the fact that the health enterprises improve with more directors. Instead, she believes it creates a divide between the reality of the employees and the director’s vision. – Here, the Minister of Health must review the management structure in the health institutions and the various agreements that exist. We must reduce the number of directors and better agreements must be drawn up that ensure equal treatment of directors and health personnel in the health institutions. – The final agreement is in accordance with the employment agreement Renate Larsen is chairman of Helse Nord. She says that the final agreement is in accordance with the employment agreement for Daae. – The termination agreement is regulated through her employment contract from January 2020. This is what the termination agreement contains in that she and the board agree to end the employment relationship, she writes in an SMS. Renate Larsen is chairman of Helse Nord RHF, and says that the content of the termination agreement was already decided when Daae was employed in 2020. Photo: Jørn Inge Johansen / news She confirms that the termination agreement was not drawn up before the parties agreed to end the employment relationship, but that the content is regulated through Daae’s employment agreement from 2020. – It is only natural to write a termination agreement when you agree that the employment relationship should end. ALSO READ:
