Helse Midt-Norge has given incorrect information about Doculive after the introduction of the Health Platform – news Trøndelag

– There is no way back to Doculive, which was the original system. We are the only region in the world that uses this system. We simply cannot live with that. This is what the chairman of Helse Midt-Norge, Odd Inge Mjøen, told news after a board meeting on 5 January this year. – There is no update on that system, which is justifiable, and it costs far too much. On the same day, a letter arrived to CEO Stig Slørdahl from the company Oracle Cerner, which operates the Doculive journal system. news has been given access to the letter, and confirmed that it is genuine. “Dear Mr. Slørdahl. As a result of the press coverage recently, I am writing to clarify the status of the product Doculive” This is how the vice president of the international part of Oracle Cerner, Amanda Green, begins her inquiry. She writes that the allegations made by central people in Helse Midt-Norge are incorrect. This applies to the claim that the system is out of date and will not receive user support. – There is nothing wrong with Doculive, there is nothing that should be turned off in Doculive, writes Mike Pomerance in an e-mail to news. He is CEO of Oracle Cerner in the Nordics. Read the response from Helse Midt-Norge further down in the matter. The health platform The health platform is responsible for implementing the introduction of a new and common patient record for the health service in Central Norway The project is owned by Helse Midt-Norge RHF, Trondheim municipality and eight other municipalities The health platform was introduced in Trondheim municipality in April 2022. In November of the same year, the one introduced by St. Olav and six other municipalities in Trøndelag So far, 24 out of 66 municipalities have signed the agreement, thereby becoming owners of the company. The aim is to get all municipalities in central Norway on the team, but for now several are waiting. If everything goes according to the Health Platform’s plan, the solution will be used by 40,000 employees in the health service. 720,000 residents will then be able to access their own records digitally through the solution. Health and Care Minister Ingvild Kjerkol has encouraged all municipalities in central Norway to join the Health Platform . Claims that the system is outdated After the Health Platform was introduced on 12 November last year, problems have been queuing at St. Olav’s hospital in Trondheim. The National Health Inspectorate has concluded that the record system threatens patient safety at the hospital, and they call some of the conditions at the hospital critical. Several employees at the hospital have wanted to go back to the old system, Doculive. Either permanently, or temporarily until the problems in the Health Platform are rectified. Both chairman Mjøen and managing director Slørdahl in Helse Midt have rejected that this is possible. In December, the Medical Association sent a letter to Helse Midt on behalf of the union representatives at St. Olavs. They demanded answers as to whether going back to Doculive is a real option. To this Slørdahl replied: “The hospitals in central Norway are the only ones in the world that use Doculive and PAS. We will not be able to get development and support on these systems for many years to come. It would be very cost-driving to have to be responsible for all development on central core systems without having anyone to share the costs with,” he wrote. The Helseplattformen system has been troubled at St. Olav’s hospital. Several employees have wanted an answer to whether it is possible to return to Doculive. Photo: Morten Waagø / news – Simply not true In the letter from Green dated 5 January 2023, Slørdahl is asked to consider and issue a public statement in which he refutes the claims. “We want to assure the board, clinicians and residents in Helse Midt’s region that they can continue to trust Doculive as long as it is necessary and desirable,” she writes. “Our team has diligently and professionally followed up the use of Doculive across Helse Midt for many years and this will continue.” She never received a reply to this letter, Oracle Cerner confirms to news. Stig Slørdahl and Odd Inge Mjøen have neither actively corrected their statements, nor informed the board about the letter. On 25 April, Mike Pomerance sent an e-mail to Helse Midt-Norge where he writes that the statements put Oracle Cerner’s credibility, as the owner of a safe and serious system, at risk. – We believe the health system is doing its best and we will support them in the decisions they feel are best, but it is not correct to say that we are withdrawing our user support and will not support Doculive. – That is simply not true, writes Pomerance to news. Mike Pomerance is CEO of Oracle Cerner in the Nordics, Benelux and Ireland. Photo: Screenshot from LinkdIn Has not informed the board So far the board of Helse Midt-Norge has not been informed about the letter, despite the fact that there have been two board meetings since it was received in January. According to Helse Midt, it will be presented to the board on Thursday. – Why hasn’t Slørdahl corrected the statements about Doculive after receiving the letter? – We have tried to communicate a more precise and nuanced message through the answers we have given the media, but have experienced that it is unfortunately difficult to reach out. An answer has now been sent to issues relating to our use of Doculive now and in the future. We will also give the company an answer, writes Health Central Norway’s press officer in an e-mail to news. – We apologize for the postings since they can be perceived as talking down Oracle Cerner and their systems. We have no reason to. The board of Helse Midt-Norge is holding a meeting today, 27 April. The picture is from a meeting in November. Photo: Terje Reite / news The letter is also not to be found in the health company’s public mailing lists, where all correspondence to and from the company must be posted. – It is a mistake that we regret. The letter was addressed to CEO. and a copy did not go to our post office and archive, the press watchdog writes. They emphasize that the Health Platform will replace more systems than just Doculive, and that it is therefore not appropriate to consider Doculive as a permanent solution. – We have an agreement on the use of Doculive during the transition phase we are in. However, the introduction of the Health Platform in our hospitals means that around 80 systems will be phased out. Returning to Doculive is therefore not considered appropriate or desirable.
