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If you have seen Jakob Ingebrigtsen run in recent years, you have definitely noticed them: The more and more, quite sporadic tattoos he has on his arms and legs. We have also asked him about the significance behind the gongs, but it does not seem that he is particularly interested in talking about the topic. But why? – I feel it is a little strange not to answer it because it is so visible, but basically it is mostly for myself. I am very self-centered, in all areas of life, he answers and smiles. – I understand that. It is very visible and you are happy to ask about things you see, he adds. – Times change It starts in 2018 when Jakob Ingebrigtsen suddenly showed up with two earrings and the tattoo “fixed” on the arm before a Diamond League vote in Stockholm. The words fast can be said that the 21-year-old has lived up to. – It may be a way, and may not have much other meaning, to express oneself, and not be like everyone else, Jakob Ingebrigtsen admits. DIFFERENT VARIANTS: On the left arm, Jakob Ingebrigtsen has the words fixed and a sea compass. On his legs he has, among other things, a crescent moon, a lightning bolt, two cross swords, a rose, a snake, a fox and a diamond. Photo: Håvard Greger Hagen / news When he goes into more detail, he points out that running is a traditional sport to do in athletics, and he thinks many fans are also of the somewhat traditional kind – or purists as Ingebrigtsen says himself. – They think it should be as it was in the 80s and 90s, and there should not be so many changes. No new shoes, technology, not light, the tire should be gravel. It quickly becomes a bit like that, says the Sandnes runner. – I will not call it a middle finger to them, but times change, and those who are best now are not those who were best, he says. NEW SHOES: Jakob Ingebrigtsen and athletics doctor Ove Talsnes during training in Berkeley. Photo: Håvard Greger Hagen / news Want to create something of your own It is starting to become clear that there is actually a goal and meaning behind all the ink, even if not all the tattoos have any special significance or according to him himself have been planned particularly well. It’s more about the total. – A little to show that I am involved in creating something other than what has been created before. Of course, I look up to good times and good performances, but not necessarily to the athletes, points out Jakob Ingebrigtsen. Those he looks up to, on the other hand, are the brothers. He thinks Henrik has a lot of era to have paved the way for running in Norwegian sports. WC-READY: Jakob Ingebrigtsen is chasing his first WC medal, and plans to run both 1500 and 5000 meters. Photo: Håvard Greger Hagen / news – I want to create my own name and our team has created a name with a slightly new philosophy, and it is a bit to show that it is we who have created. We have not had any idol or anyone who has shown the way, it is Henrik, Filip and partly myself who have done.
