Helicopter traffic suspended and warning of poor air quality – news Vestland

Bergen municipality warns of high air pollution in the city, both today and tomorrow. The reason is that the air simply stands still. Asthmatics and people with respiratory problems are advised not to go outdoors in the most polluted areas. The air will probably improve from Thursday. Then more wind is reported from the southeast. THICK: Dense fog hangs over Bergen. The picture was taken from Nattlandsfjellet at 8 o’clock on Tuesday morning. Photo: Rune Møklebust / news Helicopter, plane and ferry traffic affected Due to the fog, all helicopter traffic to and from the North Sea out of Bergen has been suspended. In Florø, a helicopter from the Visund platform was diverted to Førde Airport. – It has happened before, but is relatively unusual, says the airport manager in Førde, Kjell Otto Gjesdal. A scheduled flight from Bergen that was supposed to land in Florø was also sent to Førde. Air traffic at Flesland is otherwise unaffected. A flight that was supposed to travel from Oslo to Florø at 09.20 was delayed 50 minutes due to the conditions at Florø Airport. It opened at 10 after being closed due to the fog. ULRIKEN: Picture from Ulriken 15 November. Photo: Meteorologists Ferry captain: – As far as we saw the opening of the quay Tuesday morning, there were also problems on the Halhjem-Sandvikvåg ferry connection due to the fog. From 09.10 the connection opened again, but the shipping company says that delays must still be expected due to the fog still threatening visibility when the ferry docks. Captain Øystein Senneseth on the ferry “Færøy” says that the fog comes and goes. – We could barely see the opening to the dock, but when we got to the outside it was clear and beautiful. And now we are on our way into a new fog bank, he says. At 10.30 all ferries are in operation. – But it is very on and off, so we almost have to take it as it comes. I hope it eases, says Senneseth. BERGEN: This is what Bergen looked like from Ulriken on Monday evening. Photo: Anne Elfriede Drønen Meteorologist surprised by the weather Meteorologist Lars Andreas Selberg at Vervarslinga in Western Norway says that the fog is difficult to explain. – Our forecasts say that there should be no fog right now. There is also fog over large parts of the coast, says Selberg to news on Tuesday morning. At the same time, he says that Bergen municipality’s warning about air pollution does not agree with the actual observations that are made. WARNINGS OF POOR AIR QUALITY: The Norwegian Environment Agency’s forecast on air quality shows that the quality will be poor today and tomorrow. But the actual observations show perfectly fine air quality. Graphics: The Norwegian Environment Agency – Our models think that it is not fog, so it is registered as air pollution. But the observations say that there is little pollution across the board, says Selberg. URBAN TRACKS IN FOG, 2022. Photography. Photo: Camilla Hamre
