Helga Pedersen is not standing as a candidate to become party secretary – news Troms and Finnmark

– I am very happy for all the support I have received and calls to run, but I have still come to the conclusion that I do not want to run, says Helga Pedersen to news. She announced this on Sunday, after the election committee in the Labor Party presented a recommendation earlier this week in which they were in favor of Kjersti Stenseng continuing in the role for two more years. Already in February, incumbent party secretary Kjersti Stenseng confirmed that she wants to continue. – – I have told the election committee that I want re-election, she told news then. It was TV 2 that first mentioned the case. Several in the Labor Party have expressed that they want Tana mayor Helga Pedersen as the new party secretary in the party, something she now says she does not want herself. At the same time, Pedersen expresses that she had faith in her own candidacy: – I think I would have won a vote, she tells the channel. The Labor Party will elect a new leadership at the national meeting on 4–6. May.
