Heavy snowfall in Agder – power outage affects several households – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary: A lot of snow and wind have led to several power cuts in Agder. Some households are without electricity for three days. At most, around 5,000 customers were without power at the same time, according to the electricity company Glitre Nett. Mayor of Farsund, Ingrid Williamsen, is calling for better clearing around the power grid to avoid such situations during storms. Glitre Nett says there will be an evaluation of the fuse along the power lines to avoid power outages when the storm hits. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – It is blowing violently and several trees have blown over the power lines, says mayor of Farsund Ingrid Williamsen. Several days of heavy snowfall and wind have led to many people losing power in Agder. In such weather, it doesn’t take long for branches to snap over a power line, cutting off power to several others. Some households have not had electricity since New Year’s Day. The mayor is now calling for a better cleaning job around the power grid to avoid such situations during storms. – My wish is that the network owner can clean up better around the lines. FRP mayor in Farsund Ingrid Merethe Williamsen. Photo: Svein Sundsdal – Will evaluate At most, around 5,000 customers were without power at the same time on Wednesday, according to the electricity company Glitre Nett. Press officer in Glitre Nett Audun Brekke Sandhaug says it is too early to answer whether the cleaning job around the line routes is good enough to avoid power outages during storms. – Clearing line routes and streets completely snow-proof is unrealistic, but looking at preparedness and how we can do things differently is something we are constantly working on. He says that there will be a thorough evaluation after an incident like this. He says they are now prioritizing fixing faults in places where the power has been out the longest. According to the Meteorological Institute, some areas in Agder have measured snow records. A tree fell over a power line on Hisøy in Arendal. Photo: Espen Bierud / news Turned out to be more work than expected Glitre Nett has followed the danger warnings in space Christmas and had preparedness ready before the snowy weather arrived, according to Sandhaug. But the scope was greater than they imagined. – We just have to apologize that people are without electricity. We at Glitre Nett would like to say a big thank you to everyone who is out in the field and doing a great job in demanding conditions. He says that they have enough crew in the field, but that there are major challenges with accessibility after the heavy snowfall in recent years. – There is a lot of snow that the installers and line cleaners have to wade in out in the terrain. It is tiring and heavy work, but they persevere, says Sandhaug. A request from Sandhaug is to check whether your neighbor or someone you know needs a little extra help in the snow chaos. Several of the power lines along the Agder coast are covered in snow. Photo: Espen Bierud / news
