Heavy rain in Trondheim caused trouble in several places – news Trøndelag

It’s not that Trøndelag was completely dry from before, but the torrential downpour in Trondheim on Wednesday evening still took the cake. Flooded basements, water damage to nursing homes, cistern lids lifted and the water gushed in at the Nova cinema centre. Two pump trucks have been running there all night. – Our employees tried to cover the things that should preferably not get wet, says cinema director Arild Kalvik, who is excited about whether they can run performances again tonight. On Thursday morning, the municipality’s people had to go out to sweep the tram tracks after the storm. Photo: Morten Karlsen / news – It seems that this is happening more often now. The fire brigade had almost all of its crew out to clean drains and get the water masses away. – We had a dozen assignments, mainly in the city centre. Several apartments suffered water damage, says Andre Lindgjerdet at Brannvakta. It has also been a very busy night at the damage control company Polygon, claims technician Jan Egseth. – It has gone in one go. There will be many insurance cases, he says. And it wasn’t just rain that was dropped from the sky. The Meteorological Institute registered around 400 lightning strikes in Trøndelag last evening and night. 12,000 spectators were at Festningen to hear Åge Aleksandersen and Sambandet. The band had to take a break when lightning and rain ravaged the worst, but came back and finished the concert. Photo: Jøte Toftaker / news – It seems that this happens more often now. Because the drainage system was unable to remove the water, water came up from both drains and toilets. Egseth from Polygon says it seems like this type of torrential rain is happening more and more often. – There are huge amounts in a short time. We at news also did not escape the wrath of the water masses: At Tyholt in Trondheim it was surfable on the 1st floor, and our P1 studio was also wetter than we prefer. And on Thursday, more rain has been reported… news’s ​​news watcher encountered this sight early on Thursday morning.
