Heavy fire in a kindergarten in Trondheim – Latest news – news

29 June 2024 at 02:10 Heavy fire in a kindergarten in Trondheim A kindergarten in Trondheim suffered extensive damage in a fire on the night of Saturday. The cause of the fire is not known. The police in Trøndelag reported just before 2 o’clock that the emergency services had been dispatched following a report of a fire in Sverresborg kindergarten. – When we arrived, the building was fully engulfed in flames, says Kjell Troøyen, the fire service’s task leader, to Adresseavisen. The police stated early on that there was no need to evacuate residential units in the area, but there was a lot of smoke in the area in connection with the fire. The police had then been to nearby homes and encouraged the closing of windows and doors. It was not until just before 4.30 that the 110 central confirmed that the fire was under control. Over the course of the night and early morning, the fire service carried out subsequent extinguishing. (NTB)
