Heard shots – then he ran towards the perpetrator – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

On Saturday night, Rosenkrantz ‘street in central Oslo was turned upside down when Zaniar Matapour (43) fired several shots at several nightclubs. Kåre Hesvik and Jon Isachsen were killed in the attack. 21 were injured. Matapour was arrested shortly after the shooting began. The police have praised the civilians who contributed to the perpetrator being caught, before the police arrived at the scene. – The police are immensely grateful for that, said task leader Tore Barstad at a press briefing just hours after the shooting. news has spoken to a man who says he was one of the first to throw himself at the now terrorist man. He wants to remain anonymous, but news knows his identity. The man has also shared a short video of himself and the incident on social media. – I threw myself on top, put my knee in the person’s chest and pressed quite hard against his neck, says the man, who wishes to remain anonymous. Watch the video taken shortly after the episode at the top of the case. It was chaotic in central Oslo in the minutes after the shooting at several nightclubs. Photo: Olav Rønneberg / news Heard shots The man in his 20s sat on César’s outdoor terrace at CJ Hambro’s square by the courthouse in Oslo. The nightclub is located just across the road from Per on the corner, one of the locations for Saturday’s shooting. Earlier in the evening he had been with colleagues. They left for César around midnight to meet another group of friends. At 01.15 Matapour started firing. Then the man news has spoken to was on his way out of the bar at César. The man says he reacted already after the first bang thought it was a case of shooting. After the second shot, he was halfway out of César. – Then I’m in full sprint towards the person. As I come across the tram track, he has moved closer to the London pub, and is in the process of tampering with the weapon, he says. Police were quickly on the scene and arrested Zaniar Matapour after the shooting on Saturday night. Photo: Javad Parsa / NTB news has spoken to someone in the entourage, who confirms that the man in his 20s ran against Matapour. However, the person in question has not himself witnessed the arrest itself. Watch news’s ​​timeline of the shooting here: – Remove the gun! The man in his 20s says that he lost sight of Matapour as he rounded a corner. When he again spotted the perpetrator, he had been overpowered by two others. On the way away, the man noticed that there was an automatic weapon on the ground, and believed with it that Matapour was unarmed. Another witness news has spoken to describes how civilians tackled Matapour when he was in the process of reloading: – While changing magazines, a civilian person came running towards him, and he tackled the man, and then he lost his weapon. When the man in his 20s arrived, he discovered that Matapour had another weapon. – I realize he has a gun, what I think is a Glock. I shout «remove Glocken! Remove the gun! ” Police have stated that the perpetrator had two unregistered weapons with him during the shooting. The weapons are described as “older and not modern”. Zaniar Matapour is said to have pulled his bag out of this bag. Photo: Nadir Alam / news – I think we were six or seven people above him A video that, among others, TV2 has published, shows several civilians running after the perpetrator before they can put him on the ground. A security guard came running and had the gun torn out of Matapour’s hand, the man in his 20s told news. A security guard Dagbladet has spoken of must have stepped on the pistol to prevent the perpetrator from getting hold of it. VG has spoken to 25-year-old Julia, who says that she also ran towards the armed perpetrator and kept him down. An anonymous man in his 40s did the newspaper VG has spoken to. The man in his 20s pays tribute to the two who had Matapour laid on the ground before he arrived. – At one point I think we were six or seven people above him, before the police came, the man in his 20s says to news. Acted on instinct As the shooting intensified, several of the guests at the various nightclubs moved into the premises to seek refuge. It tells several witnesses news has talked to in recent days. The man in his 20s must have done the exact opposite. Why he does not understand himself. – To put it bluntly: I have no idea. It’s something I want to find out for myself afterwards. It was only in hindsight that I realized what I had been involved in, he says. Witnesses and the wounded were taken to the Thon Hotel Rosenkrantz, which can be seen in the background of the police officers in the photo. Photo: Javad Parsa / NTB He does not remember what he was thinking when he ran, other than that it had to go fast. He also can not remember hearing more than the first two shots. – I had complete tunnel vision. I did not even register those around me on the ground. He has spent the last few days with friends and family. – I did not sleep until night until Sunday again, so on Saturday I was quite shaky. He praises the police and the health service for how he and the others took care of him after the incident. – I could get further follow-up if I wanted that night, but I wanted out to friends and family. This video shows Zaniar Matapour being held on the ground by passers-by, shortly after the shooting on Saturday night. The 42-year-old is charged with murder, attempted murder and terrorist acts.
