Health station for gender and sexuality (HKS) in Oslo with offers for transgender people did not break the law – news Trøndelag

In April, the state administrator in Oslo and Viken opened a supervisory case against HKS. The health station, which is subject to Oslo Municipality, provides treatment to transgender people. The supervisory case against them was about how they treat children under the age of 16 with gender incongruence. It was based, among other things, on warnings from Rikshospitalet and the parents of a teenager. Now the state administrator has concluded: They can not see that the municipality, at HKS, has violated health legislation. The case is closed. – I am relieved, says Ingun Wik. Says they follow the research Wik is head of department at HKS. She makes no secret of the fact that the last time has been demanding. – It feels unfair that a supervisory case was opened against us, she says to news, and adds that she is now very happy with the conclusion. The professionals at Rikshospitalet and the Health Station for Gender and Sexuality disagree on what is best for the patient group. – We steer according to SOC, and will continue to do so. We would like to have more research in the area, but we at least use the research that exists, says Wik. Standards of care (SOC) is an international recommendation to health professionals for how people with gender incongruence should be treated. The latest edition is from 2012. There will be a new one this summer. Receives support for violating the guideline Part of the state administrator’s reasons why HKS has not violated the law is that the national guideline for the treatment of transgender people provides guidance. Not legally binding. The parents of a teenager notified HKS to the state administrator. HKS had in fact given sex-confirming hormones to the transgender girl when she was still 15 years old – without her parents knowing. The girl had started the treatment herself. She had bought the hormones online. The health station took over the treatment because they thought it was safer. The state administrator believes that the municipality gave a thorough and comprehensive answer in the supervisory case. In the letter in which they end the supervision, they write, among other things: “With regard to the individual patients, you write extensively about assessments where the child’s best interests have been in focus.” The state administrator has not had the opportunity to be interviewed by news today. NOK 1.3 million Approximately at the same time as the supervisory case was closed, HKS received NOK 1.3 million from a unanimous city council in Oslo. According to the magazine Blikk, it is as much as the Norwegian Directorate of Health cut from their budget in 2022.
