– He went completely crazy – news Lifestyle – Tips, advice and insight

Stian Sandø (31) laughs. He is of the type who has a high willingness to take risks, and is bored within the framework. In fact, he would rather have all his teeth pulled at the dentist than fill out travel bills. (At least if we’re going to take everything he says for good fish, but maybe we shouldn’t). – I don’t want to become like the “goblins” in Harry Potter who work in banks, but I really respect those who manage it. Perhaps that is why he is both a tech entrepreneur and former Newton presenter. Bitcoin, barking and need But even if Stian does not want to be associated with banking, his dog has Bitcoin as a middle name after all. Teddy bear Nicolay Bitcoin (the other one) barks at me, whines and growls, and I’m told not to touch him. Weird, hasn’t he just been on a course with the eminent dog whisperer Maren? In any case, he has actually paid for all the food and veterinary expenses himself. He has his own account, as a result of Bamse investing in Bitcoin when he moved into the collective Stian lived in at the time. Bichon frisé/Pekingese: The choice of breed was random in the collective. Photo: Frida Wattne Lindland / news What is it about this resourceful and rescued dog that has enchanted the owner? Emotionally guided friends In the new season of “From bully to best friend”, we follow a teddy bear who constantly barks and is insecure, but as Stian points out, there is also strength in uncertainty. – To quote “Exit”: one should not underestimate inferiority complexes, and that is exactly what Bamse has – just like many top managers. (The exit statement has not been verified, but then we shouldn’t take everything Stian says for good fish either). Stian thinks peeing in places and smelling other dogs’ pee is Bamse’s answer to social media. Photo: Frida Wattne Lindland / news Top leaders are not unknown to Stian, because he works to map personality types in companies and in workplaces. Ironically, it still took time before Stian realized that Bamse is emotionally driven and needs safe habits. – If you are not aware that people are different from yourself, you quickly think that others are stupid who do not react in the same way, says Stian. But isn’t this exactly what happened to him and Bamse? Teddy bear who is afraid and needs peace within the framework. Stian who does not sit still and hates frames. At the office in Oslo, Bamse relaxes in his own bed in the meeting room, but he let the routines the owner has now given him wait for him. It’s a match! Or? What happens when you don’t get along with your own dog? Christine Olsen is the research and development manager for Dyrebar sorg, a place where you can, among other things, have animal-assisted interactions. Olsen can tell you that there are many advantages to getting a dog, but there are also several disadvantages – especially if the dog’s personality and requirements do not match your own. – If the dog has behavioral problems, it can make you both feel ashamed and lose control. This can lead to a refusal to go out with the dog, which in turn can give rise to feelings of guilt. Christine Olsen is a behavioral biologist and has a PhD in public health science. Here she is with her German Shepherd Apollo. Photo: Silje England Garshol / private You suddenly lose the good effects of a dog such as a higher sense of mastery, social support and the sense of responsibility it brings us to take care of something other than ourselves, says Olsen. It quickly disappears in a feeling of not having succeeded, and not being able to present the dog and oneself to the outside world. – I am very much in favor of relocation, it is a win-win for three people: you, the dog and the person who gets a dog that fits better. Vital friends And don’t misunderstand both Stian, Bamse and me: Stian would never give Bamse N. Bitcoin away. Because we know our dogs best as positive beings for us and others – and Christine Olsen confirms that. The social support is perhaps the most significant effect dogs have on us. – Social support, or rather the lack of it, is as strong as smoking and obesity when it comes to early death, Olsen points out. Dogs are therefore almost vital to many of us: Most people with dogs have a strong connection to the furry barkers. And it’s not accidental. Dogs almost always choose humans over other dogs in the long run, largely because they understand our behavior – and we understand them. – It is the only species in which this has been proven so far, and perhaps that is why we have a stronger connection to a dog than, for example, a cat. Important considerations before you get a dog: Do you have the capacity to take care of another individual, who can set limits on what you like to do? Are you ready to be more or less social by getting out with your dog? The dog will not necessarily help you change your hiking attitudes – learn to like going for a walk without it first! Be careful when choosing a breed – there are big differences in activity level, size and behaviour. There are also individual frogs when it comes to trainability and playability. Get help from someone with experience, and remember that the dog’s personality is not set until adulthood. Source: Christine Olsen, Precious care With the dog at work It may not have been as strong an assessment basis that made Stian acquire Bamse together with his collective, but he was a relocation dog that needed a safe home. And since then, Bamse and Stian have somehow developed together. Although Stian points out that as a former news employee he ate his own poo, he sees both the Newton job and his current job as so-called adult jobs. In fact, he has invested in his own emergency jumper, in case he suddenly ends up in a meeting he had forgotten. This is the one he has taken on now. Emergency jumper: Under the oil jacket, we can see Stian’s investment to appear more professional. Photo: Frida Wattne Lindland / news Wearing the emergency jumper, he explains that investing in Bitcoin is a bit like digging for gold – at least that is what they have tried to imitate with Bitcoin. – Imagine digging for gold in the mountains and extracting a gold nugget. The fewer gold pieces, the more they are worth, just like other investments. Calmed down And thus Bamse became an investor that Stian cannot do without. Every day he is reminded that he has to take breaks from his adult job with his four-legged friend, and he himself believes that his screen time has decreased because of Bamse. Previously, Bamse and Stian lived a hectic lifestyle together, where the little curly top had to help travel both land and beach. Now the undynamic duo has found out that Bamse enjoys himself with Stian’s parents during the weeks when the entrepreneurial brain is a bit busy. – He likes that, he meets precisely at set times for his turn. At first I thought free upbringing, hippie and the Steiner School – but that didn’t suit Bamse, he went completely crazy. See how it goes with Bamse in the meeting with Maren, here! Stian knows that his Bamse is a bully, but the problem is bigger than expected. For one of the other dogs, it will now be a life and death battle.
