– He was well liked by all – NRK Trøndelag

Just before 7.00 on Tuesday, the police were notified of an accident between a tractor and a passenger train at Håggåbrua in Midtre Gauldal. The accident happened on a crossing without a barrier. Engan was the driver of the tractor, and is said to have driven a trailer with gravel. The tractor ended up in the river Gaula, close to the train track. – He was very good and kind. Cared about people, says Lotte Gunnes (19). Did not think it was true She was one of several people who were at the scene of the accident to lay flowers and light candles on Tuesday night. But they had to wait until the salvage of the tractor was over. Gunnes and friend Elise Winsnes Bjerkan (18), knew Engan from the school Gauldal Vgs. Both were at work when they were informed of the fatal accident, and did not think it was true. – Even was well liked by everyone, says Bjerkan. Elise Winsnes Bjerkan (18) and Lotte Gunnes (19) knew Engan from Gauldal Vgs. Photo: Bjarte Johannesen / NRK Follow up the young people The crisis management in Gauldal worked on Tuesday to take care of everyone who is affected by the accident. – The day has been marked by the tragedy that has happened. We think first and foremost of the family of the deceased. We have done everything we can to follow up those who are affected in various ways, said municipal director in Midtre Gauldal, Bodil Brå Alsvik to NRK. The crisis management has worked closely with the psychosocial crisis team in Melhus municipality. Several went to the accident site on Tuesday night. Photo: Bjarte Johannesen / NRK The youth environment in the municipality has also been followed up. – There is no one here who is not affected by such a sad event, there is a great youth from the area who is no longer here. Jorid Jagtøyen, mayor of Melhus municipality, encourages young people and friends to take care of each other and be together. – My thoughts go to the closest relatives and circle of friends. It is unbelievably tragic and sad that we lose one of our young people, she told NRK on Tuesday. The Dovre line was closed after the accident, but was reopened to traffic on Tuesday night. Here, the emergency services are in place shortly after the accident on Tuesday morning. Photo: Morten Andersen / NRK
