– He was a marked and visible figure – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

Several well-known politicians and members of the press took the road to Frogner church on Thursday to take part in the burial of Arne Strand (79). The former commentator and editor-in-chief in Dagsavisen, formerly Arbeiderbladet, died on 10 May after a long illness. Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) gave a speech during the burial of Arne Strand in Frogner church on Thursday. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB One of those present during the burial is Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap). – It’s a sad day, says Støre on the way into the church. – And then it’s a nice opportunity to say goodbye to Arne Strand, who meant a lot to many and was a marked and visible figure. Arne Strand was 79 years old. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB – Knowledgeable and committed Støre first met Strand in the 80s, when Strand worked as state secretary for Gro Harlem Brundtland (Ap). After that, Støre got to know Strand as a press man and editor. – We, who were commented on and observed, had a meeting with a knowledgeable and committed press man, says Støre before the burial. Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre gave a speech during the burial of Arne Strand in Frogner church. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB – It is the integrity and clarity that remain, and then it is a very friendly and good person that I remember. He clarifies that even if Strand had connections to the Labor Party (Ap), it could go badly beyond the party when Strand was a commentator. – But his heart was in social democracy, adds Støre. When asked where Støre last met Strand, the prime minister replied that it was probably at the Storting a few months ago. Burial for Arne Strand in Frogner church in Oslo. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB – A proud former Nato chief, and former Ap leader, Jens Stoltenberg is present during the funeral. In his speech during the burial, Stoltenberg said that Strand was a skilled journalist. – Because of him, we have proper, independent journalism, said Stoltenberg. Jens Stoltenberg salutes the coffin of Arne Strand after giving a speech during the burial. Photo: Laik Hanbaly / news Deputy leader Abid Raja in Venstre, former FRP chairman Carl I. Hagen and former executive director of TV 2 Alf Hildrum are also present. – Arne and I knew each other for 40 years, and we had many good and confidential conversations about Norwegian politics, says Hagen about Strand. – The next day he was able to write smolderingly negatively about my position. We knew our roles. FRP politician Carl I. Hagen outside Frogner church. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB Married couple Aud-Harriet Hertzberg Ask Kolberg and Martin Kolberg on their way to the funeral. Martin Kolberg also gave a speech during the ceremony. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB Deputy head of the Liberal Party, Abid Raja, on his way into Frogner church. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB Former political editor at Aftenposten Harald Stanghelle. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB Former CEO and head of TV2, Alf Hildrum, was present during the burial. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB Former foreign correspondent and journalist at news, Annette Groth, on her way into Frogner church. NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg said in his speech during the funeral that Arne Strand was a skilled journalist. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB Former head of the news division at news Tom Berntzen was also at Arne Strand’s funeral. Hagen says it is very sad that Strand, whom he characterizes as a gentleman, has passed away. After Strand resigned as editor-in-chief of Dagsavisen at the age of 70, he worked as a freelance commentator for the newspaper for a further seven years. Strand was diagnosed with cancer 17 years ago, and in the last months before he died the disease had worsened.
