He saw something other than the “monster” Viggo Kristiansen – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

A shaken city in search of answers. Relatives who wanted clarification. Two men with rambling explanations and a lack of alibis. – If there are two who have done this, then it is these two, said many who knew them. The child murders in Baneheia in Kristiansand are one of the most talked about murder cases in Norway. – When the investigation was at a standstill in the summer of 2000, there was enormous pressure on the police in Kristiansand. This horrible act had to be solved. That’s what Eivind Pedersen says, who at the time was a journalist in Dagbladet and covered the case from day one. He believes that the police were desperate for a solution, and that people needed a scapegoat. And in Pedersen’s words – Viggo Kristiansen fit the description. The word monster was used in the description of him both in print and among the public. Comment in Dagbladet two days after the arrest. VG wrote that rape and murder could have been planned by the two, according to Andersen’s explanation. Agderposten after the arrest. The murders in Baneheia took place on 19 May 2000. Best mates Viggo Kristiansen and Jan Helge Andersen were arrested four months later. Mode candidate When the case came to court, Pedersen eventually became very skeptical about whether Kristiansen was guilty. At the same time, most people took it for granted that they would be judged and that it was absolutely right. A few years ago the end Pedersen as a journalist. He became an important supporter in the team around Kristiansen. He is now publishing a book about the Baneheia case with the title “In the shadow of Viggo – half life behind the grid”. There were many stories from the neighborhood at Eg about the two friends. – He was the terror of the streets, and was simply a suitable candidate as the culprit in Baneheia, explains Pedersen. Viggo Kristiansen has fought all the way to prove his innocence in the Baneheia case. Photo: Eivind Pedersen The police secured several DNA traces at the crime scene. Of the two most central, one belonged to Andersen. The other had to come from another man. The then head of crime, Arne Pedersen, called a press conference and told them that they also had DNA on Kristiansen. Later it emerged that this was wrong. It is explained by a misunderstanding between the police and the Institute of Forensic Medicine. When the case came before the court, this was adjusted to the fact that traces of two men had been found. One was definitely from Andersen. The second was of the same type as 54 per cent of Norwegian men, and Kristiansen was in that group. news has been in contact with Arne Pedersen, who does not wish to comment on the matter. The then crime chief Arne Pedersen in the Agder police district led the investigation. Felt sorry for Viggo Another person who has been waiting anxiously for the decision from the Attorney General is Kristiansen’s former defense attorney. Lawyer Tore H. Pettersen recognizes all the reasons why Kristiansen is now going free, because he pointed out the same weaknesses in the evidence in his time. He has always maintained that the evidence was not good enough to convict his former client. It concerns DNA, mobile coverage and the credibility of Andersen’s explanation. – I thought that the evidence we presented should lead to an acquittal. He did not believe that Kristiansen could have used his mobile phone at the scene, he believed that the DNA evidence was too weak and that Andersen’s explanation was not credible. – Viggo has had an everyday life in prison for many, many years that he really shouldn’t have had. It is good that he is acquitted, says Pettersen. The effect of media coverage and people’s perception had something to say about the outcome of the verdict, the lawyer believes. – There were quite a few who were of the opinion that Viggo Kristiansen was guilty. It cannot have gone completely unnoticed. Former defense attorney Tore H. Pettersen believes Viggo Kristiansen should have been acquitted on the basis of the evidence they presented in the courtroom 20 years ago. Photo: Hans Erik Weiby / news Criticism comes to the police On Friday, it became clear that the Attorney General wants to acquit Kristiansen. Apologies from, among others, the Agder police, the State Attorney in Agder and the Minister of Justice followed. Ex-journalist Pedersen believes it is appropriate that they now apologise. – There has been such an inveterate reluctance to do Viggo justice that this is almost pathetic. Viggo Kristiansen was not only subjected to one judicial murder, but two, Pedersen believes: – The first was committed by the court. The second was the Re-admission Commission. He does not hide what he thinks of the commission. – It should be closed down. It doesn’t work, it’s a big joke. Lawyer Pettersen believes the Attorney General’s acquittal was the right decision. – There are many people who have had a lot against Viggo because of the way he was in the neighbourhood. But that should not derail the assessment of evidence which should have happened then, and which has now happened.
