He led the volunteers who were looking for Torjus. Today, Konrad Grimestad received an award for his efforts – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– I hope that many volunteers can recognize that they are a large part of the award I received here today. That’s what Konrad Grimestad says after he received the award for his efforts during the search operation for Torjus Seland (7). The seven-year-old was found dead on 17 October. – This is touching, and you become very humble. Now I am singled out as an individual, because I was at the front as a leader, but there are many of us on the team who did an infinite amount and went a long way. The prize was awarded by Local Rescue Center (LRS Agder) at their professional day for emergency and preparedness agencies. Konrad Grimestad hopes that many volunteers can recognize that they are a large part of the award he received. Photo: Leif Dalen / news Invaluable effort Konrad Grimestad organized the volunteers during the search for Torjus Seland (7) in Lindesnes from 15 to 17 October. The search operation was the largest in the district for several years. – That effort was absolutely invaluable because all the volunteers who came to help were organized in a good way, so that we could use them in the best possible way in the search. That’s what Vidar Arnesen, chief of staff at the Agder police district, says. Example to follow The established voluntary organizations have a familiar structure, and are coordinated through their own managers. Those who are not organized do not. Chief of Staff at Agder Police District, Vidar Arnesen, praises Konrad’s efforts in organizing volunteer search teams. Photo: Leif Dalen / news – In the search for Torjus, we had the challenge of organizing the volunteers who came from far and wide. Neither the police nor the main rescue center had the capacity to take on this job. Then a local man stepped forward and showed good leadership, humanity and wisdom. – He appeared strong and clear to the people, was always available and at the same time humble about the work that had to be done, says Arnesen. – Calm and confident Vidar Arnesen refers to the efforts of Konrad Grimestad as an example to follow. The police at the scene have described Grimestad as a calm and confident person who had good suggestions for searches and strategies. Konrad received the award during LRS Agder’s professional day for emergency and preparedness agencies, with over 165 present in the hall. Photo: Leif Dalen / news Operational unit manager at the Vestre Agder operational unit in the Agder police district, Bernt Mushom, believes the effort was “worth its weight in gold”. – It was an initiative he took himself, which really made a difference. We cannot rely on a Konrad appearing every time, says Mushom. Thanks for the second time The presentation of the award is the second celebration this week to honor the volunteers who took part in the search operation. On Monday, the mayors of Lyngdal and Lindesnes thanked them for their efforts. On Wednesday, the mayors of Lyngdal and Lindesnes thanked the volunteers for their efforts. Konrad Grimestad gets a hug from Lyngdal mayor Unni Nilsen Husøy. Photo: Eirik Rognaldsen / news – We think it is only natural to thank those who have made an effort. They took responsibility and did a formidable job, said mayor of Lindesnes, Alf Erik Andersen. Together with Unni Nilsen Husøy from Lyngdal, he primarily wanted to give a thank you. A central point at the meeting was how the cooperation between the municipality and the volunteers could be improved. – The most important learning point is that the municipality has to go out to see what has been started, and what we can contribute, rather than someone having to tell us, says Andersen. – Strong unity Konrad Grimestad says it was touching to see so many people who wanted to help. – It is good to see strong cohesion in the local community. There is something in the Norwegian cultural heritage that resides in us – of course we want to help and contribute, he says. Konrad Grimestad is very grateful that the efforts of all the volunteers are recognised. – It’s great to get a pat on the back. It has been tough, heavy and challenging for many.
