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26 August 2022 at 19:58 CAS: Cardiff must pay Sala money to Nantes The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has decided that Cardiff must pay part of the transfer fee to Nantes for the deceased footballer Emiliano Sala. The Argentinian striker died in a tragic plane crash over the English Channel in January 2019. He was then on his way to Cardiff to complete his move to the then Premier League club. Afterwards, there has been a legal dispute, where Cardiff has argued that there was no agreement from both parties about the transfer agreement, and that the club is therefore not obliged to pay. The International Football Association considered the case in 2019 and concluded that Cardiff owed Nantes NOK 60 million for the transfer that never materialised. Cardiff appealed that decision to CAS, which has now made a decision. “CAS rejects Cardiff’s appeal and confirms that the transfer to Emiliano Sala was completed before his death,” CAS writes in a press release. Cardiff reacts to that, saying that they have not yet finished appealing. “Cardiff City is disappointed by the decision of the CAS. Once the club’s lawyers have looked at the reasons for the decision, we expect to appeal and will not make any payments to FC Nantes in the meantime,” they write on their website. (NTB)
