– He found it incredibly frightening – news Vestland

In a forest in Gaupne in Luster, a man in his 50s was attacked by several masked teenagers on Friday afternoon. The man was stabbed in the arm and in the neck area, and according to the legal aid lawyer, he bled profusely when he called the police himself. He was then flown to the hospital by helicopter. Five teenage boys were charged on Friday with bodily harm or complicity in bodily harm. The charges have now been upgraded to grievous bodily harm or complicity in it. – It is on the basis of the damage and the fact that a trip was used, says police attorney Bernt Dahlsveen in the West police district. Claiming that he was stabbed by several people On Saturday morning, the man explained himself to the police at Haukeland University Hospital. – It has been very dramatic and frightening for him. He is included, but fatta. Assistance lawyer Rolf Knudsen said that the man feared for his own life when he was surrounded and attacked in the forest a short distance outside the center of Gaupne. According to the lawyer, the man was stabbed in the collarbone and in the arm by what appeared to him to be unknown persons. – He was stabbed several times, and feels that he has been stung by more than one person. He will remain in hospital for a few more days, but it is uncertain when he can be discharged, says Knudsen. SKOGHOLT: The stabbing took place in a forest. Those targeted are in their early or mid-teens. Photo: Ingeborg Grindheim Slinde / news – A few words were said. Out of consideration for the investigation, Knudsen does not want to say what the background was for the man being in the forest. – I do not want to go into more detail about why my client was there, or what may have been said about motive. He also does not want to say anything about what the perpetrators may have said before the stabbing. – A few words were said, but out of consideration for the investigation, I cannot go into it. The offended man lives in Gaupne. According to Knudsen, he is originally from Sogn og Fjordane. ASSISTANCE LAWYER: Rolf Knudsen represents the offended man in his 50s. Photo: Bjørn Olav Nordahl / news The relationship a central part of the investigation The relationship between the man and the five teenagers is crucial to clarify, police prosecutor Dahlsveen points out. – When it concerns the relationship between the accused and the victim, it is a central part of the investigation. It may appear that the victim was not a random victim. Beyond that, I cannot go into detail about the relationship until everyone has been questioned. – Motive, motive and the sequence of events are central to the investigation. As of now, it is too early to go out with a motive, says Dahlsveen. news has been in contact with the defenders of one of the two young people charged, who will be questioned on Saturday. At 16.30, news is informed that one of the defenders is still sitting in the far right. The other defenders have not responded. POLICE LAWYER: Bernt Dahlsveen in the West police district. Photo: Brynjar Myrtveit Osgjerd / news Published 15.06.2024, at 17.24 Updated 15.06.2024, at 17.57
