He calls Tone Sofie Aglen polarizing – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary An investigation by Norstat shows that Trond Giske is a polarizing politician among the Labor Party’s voters in Trøndelag. 31 percent of respondents say it is more likely that they will vote for the Labor Party because of Giske. Trond Giske believes politics should be about people’s finances, good pensions, enough people in elderly care and a school that helps everyone. Pål Sture Nilsen, newly elected leader of Trondheim Ap, believes Giske contributes positively to the party and attracts new members. news’s ​​political commentator, Tone Sofie Aglen, says Giske creates commitment and attention, both positively and negatively. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – The figures give a good picture of why there is so much noise and conflict around Trond Giske. So says Tone Sofie Aglen, who is a political commentator at news. The figures she is talking about are the answers to a survey Norstat has prepared for news and Adresseavisen. In the survey from Norstat, there are 76 respondents who state that they voted for the Labor Party. Of these, a total of 31 percent say they are much or slightly more likely to vote for the Labor Party because of Trond Giske. This gives a margin of error of plus or minus 10 percent. – He is a polarizing politician, but a surprisingly high number also says that it has no significance, says Aglen. The investigation was carried out in the days after the annual meeting of Trondheim Ap, where motions of no confidence were presented and accusations of a coup were made. Many believed that Trond Giske was the architect behind the motion of no confidence that was put forward against the incumbent leader, but it was a different workers group than Giskes Nidaro’s social democratic forum that put forward the motion of no confidence. Giske himself pointed out that what happened was part of party democracy. The annual meeting ended with the ousting of incumbent leader Gunn Elin Høgli. They elected Pål Sture Nilsen as the new leader and Trond Giske as one of two deputy leaders. – Should not be about whether the politicians news has been in contact with Trond Giske. He does not directly answer our questions about whether he himself thinks he is a polarizing politician, but writes this in an SMS: “Politics should not be about the politicians, but about people’s finances, good pensions, enough people in care for the elderly and a school that helps everyone , that we talk about matter is a main reason why many thousands have joined Nidaros.” Photo: Bjarte Johannesen / news Cheers for people to speak up Pål Sture Nilsen is the newly elected leader of Trondheim Ap. He believes Trond Giske contributes positively to the party. – We notice that we are getting an influx of new members. People who feel that Trond is on the field again and that his left-wing orientation in politics is something people want. I think that is positive. The Labor Party is leaking voters to both SV and Rødt, according to the party poll Norstat did for news and Adresseavisen this week. Nilsen says that every day he encourages people to dare to speak up and promote their views so that they are discussed. – Then the party organization lives, he says. Photo: Bjarte M. Johannesen / Bjarte Johannesen / news Nilsen thinks Trond Giske is very good at it, along with many others. – We saw that at the annual meeting last weekend. There are many who have good contributions in the political debate and who raise important issues on which we make policy. Attention to good and bad news’s ​​political commentator, Tone Sofie Aglen, says Giske is polarizing because many people have very strong opinions about him. – Either that he is what Ap needs and someone who conveys social democratic politics in a way that engages. Or that he is a problem for the party, by virtue of his past or conflict-creating ability, she says and continues: – In any case, he is a politician who creates commitment and attention, for better or for worse.
