– Have been asked to shut up – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– I have received messages from people who have asked me to shut up. I have also experienced receiving support from people, but who then add: “I don’t want you to say that I said this,” says Johansen. He lives in the tiny village of Flå in Hallingdal and works in Bjørneparken as a nature rights manager. Johansen has spoken out against cabin construction several times, most recently in a statement on news. He believes far too few people talk about the damage cabins cause. – It is not a topic that is easy to talk about. Many people are afraid and I think in many cases it is a fear of the village animal. If the state is to take over responsibility for cabin construction, Johansen believes it is easier to talk against monster masts than cabin construction. – Cabin building is glorified in Norway and when you speak against it, you don’t get many respects. You don’t talk to a large corporation that is going to build monster masts. One is talking about your neighbor or relatives and friends who have bought a cabin. He finds it sad that the cabin debate can sometimes be heated and polarized. Bjørn Henrik Stavdal Johansen is worried about the future of untouched nature. Photo: Vilde Jagland / news He hopes we can think more long-term to take care of the nature we have. – We don’t have nature to ourselves. We will share it with other species, says Johansen. – If a local democracy is to function, it is important that all values ​​are taken into account. If one side of the issue is silenced because you don’t like that idea, it weakens the whole of local democracy. It is still not just about feelings, but also about competence. Johansen thinks it’s better to let the state take responsibility for the cabin construction. – I think many municipalities lack the competence and ability to cooperate to manage nature in a sustainable and long-term way. When each tiny municipality has to manage its tiny bit, it becomes unhealthful. “Cottage building is almost like a religion” The District Center’s report “Sustainability in district municipalities” from this year also shows that cabin construction is a sensitive topic in several municipalities. They have carried out both citizen surveys and interviews in focus groups in eight district municipalities. A total of 1,558 people responded. Building cabins is a difficult topic in several municipalities, says the report to the District Centre. Photo: Vilde Jagland / news The report finds that many feel it is difficult to state their opinion in matters such as cottage development. This is what the report says The report “Sustainability in district municipalities” has examined how sustainability is understood locally and what contributes to promoting and hindering sustainable social development. Citizen surveys and focus group interviews have been carried out in the eight municipalities of Lebesby, Vega, Vang, Bykle, Hyllestad, Askvoll, Fjaler and Sollund. A total of 1,558 people responded to the entire survey. In the citizens’ survey, the respondents were, among other things, asked to take a position on the following statement: “I find it easy for me to be honest in saying what I think about the sustainable development of my municipality”. 21 per cent answered that they are slightly disagreed or disagreed with the claim. According to the report, some people experience that they are quickly branded as anti-industry doctors if they question, for example, cottage development and farming. Source: The District Center In the citizens’ survey, the respondents could also choose to explain why they answered as they did: “Cottage building is almost like a religion for many, you either join or you are an enemy”. “You have to be pretty tough to dare question whether the current form of cottage construction is sustainable”. Mayor: – Get involved in local politics Mayor Pål Rørby (Sp) in Hemsedal has also noticed that the fronts are steep. He has a clear encouragement: – Get involved in local politics or talk to a local politician. It does little good to vent on Facebook or other social media about your dissatisfaction with how the municipality works. Put yourself on the list for election, so you can gain insight, an overview and help influence politics in the direction you think is right. Rørby does not agree that the municipalities do not have the competence to manage the cottage policy. – In principle, I am against cabin developments becoming desk exercises from Oslo. We have local politicians and professionals in the administration who have a lot of local knowledge and can manage this in a good way. Mayor Pål Rørby (Sp) believes that cottage construction should still be the municipalities’ responsibility. Photo: Vilde Jagland / news He underlines that the municipalities already have many government restrictions that they must comply with. – There are few places we can actually build when you take into account the LNF area, monitoring zones with a view to landslides and the like. I am against the fact that we should restrict the municipalities’ room for action more. He also points to the fact that over 100 municipalities cooperate on issues such as cottage development through the Association of Outland Municipalities (USS). Hello! So good that you took the time to read this case. Some time ago, news asked for input on things I should do. Several of them built cabins and cared for nature. That is why I have prepared this case. Do you have any suggestions for something else I should write about? Please contact!
