Haukeland Hospital will use artificial intelligence to investigate epilepsy, the first in the world. – news Vestland

A collaboration between Haukeland University Hospital and Holberg EEG has led to ground-breaking development of artificial intelligence (AI) in the healthcare system. For the very first time, artificial intelligence can be used to interpret EEG. EEG is an examination of brain activity, which is often used to investigate epilepsy. It is also important for follow-up of epilepsy patients. According to the World Health Organisation, around 50 million people worldwide have epilepsy. – Patients will benefit from this. We can have more patients examined because it takes less time to interpret the EEG, says clinic director at the Neuroclinic at Haukeland University Hospital, Torhild Næss Vedeler. Torhild Næss Vedeler, Harald Aurlien and Øyvind Gulbrandsen are some of the people behind the breakthrough. Photo: Lotte Solheim Johannessen / news With the help of the new AI model, “SCORE-AI”, it should be possible to investigate and diagnose epilepsy faster and more accurately. – We will not get more health workers, and we will not get more money. Therefore, we must work with innovation that means we use fewer resources where possible, such as by using AI to interpret EEG, says Vedeler. The new era One of the world’s most renowned medical journals, JAMA Neurology, has referred to the breakthrough as a “new era”. – The fact that it is published there shows that it is valued and noticed, says Harald Aurlien. In addition to being a senior physician at Clinical Neurophysiology at Haukeland University Hospital, he is medically responsible for Holberg EEG. – This is the first time you can see that you can interpret EEG with artificial intelligence as well as the best experts interpret. They think we are pioneering, he continues. This is what the results of an EEG examination look like. Soon, artificial intelligence can help doctors interpret this. Photo: Lotte Solheim Johannessen / news Aurlien has worked with EEG since the mid-90s. Using artificial intelligence to read these surveys will provide more security. – When I interpret an EEG as an expert, I am sometimes unsure of what it means. Then I discuss with colleagues. This artificial intelligence will become like a support player who is constantly looking over my shoulder. Many get the wrong diagnosis. The result will be faster decisions and more accurate answers. In addition, Aurlien believes that the use of artificial intelligence will contribute to fewer people getting the wrong diagnosis. Many people are diagnosed with epilepsy without actually having it. – A third of the patients who enter highly specialized epilepsy hospitals do not have epilepsy. With this new method, we hope that there will be fewer misdiagnoses, he says. Senior doctor Harald Aurlien has worked with EEG examinations since the mid-90s. Photo: Lotte Solheim Johannessen / news When people get the wrong diagnosis, a common reason is that the EEGs are interpreted incorrectly, explains Aurlien. – It is undesirable to have a diagnosis that is not correct. This can have consequences in that, for example, you lose your driving licence, have to take medication with side effects or you lose the possibility of certain professions. EEG is also an expertise that is in short supply in many parts of the world. Artificial intelligence will be able to meet that need. – Shouldn’t replace anything At Haukeland University Hospital in Bergen, around 4,000 patients come every year who need an EEG examination. Holberg EEG has put in place an agreement with the world’s largest EEG supplier. The plan is for the model to go out to the whole world during the next year. – We are extremely proud as we sit here today, and have developed a world-leading model, says Øyvind Gulbrandsen, general manager of Holberg EEG. Photo: Lotte Solheim Johannessen / news The AI ​​model has been developed on the basis of a huge database full of EEGs that have been carried out between 2014 and 2020. – What is completely unique about Holberg EEG is our database. No one else has a similar database, either in size or quality. He emphasizes that artificial intelligence should not replace doctors. – It must be a decision support. It should not replace anything, but rather be a tool and aid for the specialists, says Gulbrandsen. – Many people fear artificial intelligence, but you also have to use the new technology that is available, he adds. Holberg EEG will be the first in the world to deliver this type of artificial intelligence. – This is just the beginning, says Gulbrandsen. An EEG examination takes about 40 minutes. Among other things, you will be exposed to light to check how the brain reacts. Photo: Lotte Solheim Johannessen / news
