Hastein summons Minister of Justice Emilie Enger Mehl to the Storting – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

The reactions from the political opposition cannot wait, after the evaluation report dealing with the Oslo terror was presented on Thursday. – It is written in black and white that the terror could have been avoided if the PST had done its job, says Høyre’s justice policy spokesperson Sveinung Stensland to news. Photo: Ingeborg Undheim / news – It’s so serious, it’s impossible to live with. This needs to be cleaned up. He points out that the report was worse than he feared, and says that a heavy responsibility now rests on the Minister of Justice and Emergency Management to clean it up. Urgently summons the Minister of Justice SV agrees. They urgently summon the Minister of Justice to the Storting to answer how she will follow up the evaluation after the Oslo shooting. – We need clarification on how this will proceed, and that is why we have sent the inquiry today, says Andreas Sjalg Unneland, Storting representative from SV. Storting representative Andreas Sjalg Unneland in SV. Photo: ISMAIL BURAK AKKAN / news – Why is it so important that the Storting has an active role here? – We are the popularly elected assembly, and it is only natural that when we are faced with the worst attack against queers in Norway since the war, that we are actually involved in the further work on what went wrong. And what can we learn from such a serious tragedy, replies Unneland. Will report to the Storting Mehl will report to the Storting Justice Minister Emilie Enger Mehl (Sp) will come to the Storting to report on the 25 June report. This has been confirmed by news from several sources. When the presentation will take place is not yet known. Mehl herself has asked to come to the Storting, but SV and several other parties have openly asked that she come and explain the matter. It is the Presidency of the Storting that formally deals with the inquiry from the Minister of Justice. – Must guarantee safety Lan Marie Berg, parliamentary representative for MDG, believes the Minister of Justice must now guarantee safety at all queer events during pride month. – We are in Pride month, many events have been canceled in recent weeks. It is important for us to explain to them what is needed in order for us to secure the events going forward, and to learn from the terrorist attack last year, she says to news.
