Has sent out several danger warnings for wind and snow drifts in the north – news Troms and Finnmark

Storms have already led to several problems in traffic in the north, and it will get worse. On Vannøya in Karlsøy municipality, several power poles were taken down by strong gusts of wind on Monday morning. – It’s good weather for drying clothes, says Karlsøyværing resident Anette Sjåvik to news. The fiercest weather will be in Svalbard, and the meteorologist has sent out an unusual warning. – You can hardly say exciting, because it can have consequences there. But still, it was a bit exciting. That’s according to the meteorologist on duty at the weather forecast in Tromsø, Iselin Skjervagen. For the first time, she has sent out a wind hazard warning on Nordenskiöld Land in Svalbard. – It is quite rare that we do, because there is quite a lot of wind that has to come for us to send out a warning there. I have not sent out or seen anyone else do it before, says Skjervagen. In Svalbard, a full storm is expected in high areas. Photo: Yr.no On Nordenskiöld Land, locally strong gusts of 35 to 38 meters per second are expected. At altitude, a full storm is expected. – If you have the opportunity to stay inside, then I would have done it. Be sure to secure loose objects and be careful, says the meteorologist. In addition, it is eleven degrees below zero on the spot, and the meteorologist expects it to be a cold affair for those who have to move outside. State meteorologist Iselin Skjervagen says they have sent out several danger warnings on Monday morning. Photo: Gunnar Grindstein / news Bad weather in several places in the north But it is not just on Svalbard that there is bad weather on Monday. The meteorologists have sent out danger warnings for snow flurries and gusts of wind in several places in Troms and Finnmark. In inner areas of Troms, wind speeds of 29 to 34 meters per second are expected. In the south of Troms, a danger warning has been issued for snow pike. In Eastern Finnmark, local snow squalls are expected due to snow flurries and strong winds from the north-west. Stay up-to-date on the danger warnings here. Strong winds lead to closed roads in Nordkapp municipality. Photo: Norwegian Road Administration More problems in traffic The storm has already had consequences for traffic. The ferry between Storstein and Nikkeby is cancelled. The same applies to the ferry between Svensby and Breivikeidet in Troms. Both ferries are canceled until further notice. A lot of wind also means that the Skattørsundet bridge in Skjervøy municipality is closed for periods. County roads 8038 and 8046 in Nordkapp municipality are also closed. The meteorologists report another week of heavy weather in the north. Photo: yr.no
