Has received 2,000 complaints – requests that the case be dealt with by the Broadcasting Council – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

On Wednesday evening, 2,000 complaints had come to the Broadcasting Council in connection with the Instagram post. It is thus the third most filed case in the Broadcasting Council’s history. Now member of the Broadcasting Council and former politician, Trude Drevland, is asking that the matter be taken up at the next meeting, which is on 9 March. – The Broadcasting Council is the extended arm of listeners and viewers. It would be reprehensible if we did not deal with a case with so many complaints, says Drevland to news. This is the picture Sophie Elise Isachsen posted, which has led to the huge debate in social media. news has slandered the woman standing next to her. Photo: SCREEN DUMP INSTAGRAM Spread at record speed The background is a picture that one of Norway’s biggest influencers, Sophie Elise Isachsen (28), published on Instagram on Sunday last week. In the photo, Isachsen is standing next to a friend, who is also an influencer. In her left hand, her friend holds a small transparent plastic bag containing something white. The caption reads: “Life is about a billion times more fun when you just give a damn.” Chair of the drug prevention youth organisation, Juvente Sarah Jul-Rasmussen, does not think it matters much whether there is a narcotic substance in the bag or not. – Most people will anyway associate what they see with narcotic substances, says Jul-Rasmussen to news. The picture on Sophie Elise Isachsen’s profile, with over 580,000 followers, was removed after a short time. In recent days, however, it has been spread at record speed via social media such as TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit and Facebook. Several posts on social media encourage others to submit a complaint to the Broadcasting Council. 60,000 listeners The head of the Broadcasting Council, Snorre Valen, says that the council makes its own assessment a few days before the meeting, and takes a decision on which matters will be dealt with. – I myself do not want to take a position on cases until I actually have them on the table, especially in cases that attract a lot of attention, I think it is good to stick to the proceedings, Valen tells news. Sophie Elise Isachsen is associated with news through the podcast “Sophie og Fetisha”, which is published every Thursday. So far this year, there is an average of around 60,000 listeners who listen to the podcast weekly. Fetisha Williams and Sophie Elise Isachsen during a photoshoot. Photo: Henriette Dæhli / news news Nyheter has asked a number of questions to those responsible for the podcast, including: How long is Sophie Elise’s contract? How many episodes will be produced? What is required for the contract to be extended? How do you assess any extension of the contract? This is currently the third most submitted case to the Broadcasting Council. What comments do you have about it? Editor-in-chief at news Entertainment, Rune Lind, writes in an e-mail that when it comes to the length of Sophie Elise’s contract and the agreement with her, these are documents that are linked to the editorial and program activities of news. – Such documents have no claim to access, writes Lind further. This also applies to questions about possible extension of the contract. He refers to the Broadcasting Council in connection with the last question. Fetisha and Sophie Elise talk about how Sophie Elise has been in the last year. Rarely many complaints Secretary of the Broadcasting Council, Erik Skarrud, will not speculate on whether the case will be dealt with or not. It is rare that they receive so many complaints in such a short time, according to Skarrud. – There are perhaps a handful of times each year that there are over a hundred complaints about a case, but this varies from year to year, he says. In second place among the most filed cases comes the Skavlan interview with Jimmie Åkesson, who is party leader of the Sweden Democrats, with 3,600 complaints. “Fate makes the choice” is in first place with 6,000 complaints. No consequences for news collaboration On Tuesday, news stated that the Instagram picture will not have consequences for the collaboration: – We have spoken to Sophie Elise today. The photo in question was not taken in connection with news or posted on any of news’s ​​platforms, so it would not be right for us to comment on it, said acting editor in news Entertainment, Christina Rezk Resar, in an e-mail. news has previously received 42 complaints about the podcast. Most of the complaints are reactions to the fact that news has chosen to associate Isachsen as a profile. news Nyheter has tried for several days to get a comment from Sophie Elise Isachsen and her friend without success. Sophie Elise Isachsen is associated with news through the podcast “Sophie og Fetisha”. Her client is news Entertainment. news Nyheter works journalistically independently with this case.
