Has notified about objectionable conditions at the operations center in the East police district – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

In an anonymous notice from October this year, which Politiforum is now discussing, the person or persons behind the letter point to what are supposed to be several objectionable conditions at the operations center in the East police district: The public’s safety must have been put at risk. Systematic health and safety violations are said to have taken place over a long period of time, causing employees to become ill. Previous notification cases are said to have been ignored and deliberately trained. The employer is accused of an inability and unwillingness to do something about the working environment problems. The points above are based on a larger case that Politiforum published on Friday. Reviewing the notice news has not yet been given access to the notice in question, but receives confirmation from Kristin Aga that the police have received the notice. Aga is head of the Joint Unit for Operational Service (FOT). She says they take the warning very seriously. They have now launched an investigation with external parties to review the claims that have been made. – I am therefore prevented from commenting on this further, says Aga. Head of Joint Unit for Operational Service (FOT) Kristin Aga. Photo: Kai Rune Kvitstein – Every notification that is reported must be treated seriously and in a good way, says Per Otto Kolsvik. He is deputy chairman of the Police Union in the East police district. Kolsvik has not himself read the notice that Politiforum mentions, but tells news that he expects the case to be well covered. Do you know anything about this case? Then I would like to hear from you. You can contact me encrypted via Signal or WhatsApp. You can also reach me by email. All tips are treated confidentially. Says it goes beyond the public The operations center in the East police district is based in Ski. Since its establishment in 2018, it has been responsible for Follo, Romerike and Østfold. The police district is responsible for an area with over 700,000 inhabitants. In the notice, it will also be claimed that the internal problems put the public’s safety at risk: Those who call 112 will not get an answer within the time. Some people who call 02800 do not get an answer at all. – Which again means that if you try to reach the police in the East police district, you get none, says the notice, according to Politiforum. Don’t dare stand up Generally speaking, the operations center is a workplace with high work pressure, according to head of FOT Kristin Aga. At the same time, she is clear that the employees should not experience an unsafe working environment. – I am concerned that all employees at the operations center have a safe working environment where it is safe to speak up, says Aga. The person or persons behind the warning should not have dared to speak openly by name. – We are absolutely sure that the current management will punish us severely and make false accusations with consequential consequences if our identity is made known, Politiforum quotes from the notice. Police chief Cecilie Lilaas-Skari tells the trade magazine that she cannot comment on the working conditions at the operations centre, because it is a notification case that is being processed. Initiating national mapping Researchers at the Norwegian Police Academy have examined the working environment at the operations center in the Eastern police district. Earlier this year, the report from the investigations was presented. 79 current and former employees took part in the surveys, which show, among other things, that: Almost seven out of ten had considered finding another job. Over half struggled with sleep problems. The participants reported a high workload. The report following the investigations at the operations center in the East police district was published earlier this year. Facsimile: The Police Academy Section Chief in the Police Directorate (POD) Rune Pedersen tells news via POD’s communications department that they take the findings seriously. – We have had a dialogue with local management, and assist if they wish. The districts themselves are responsible for following up on their local challenges. POD has now launched a national survey at all the operation centres. – This is done in order to survey the whole and scope, in turn to be able to create good guidelines and proposals for both ergonomic, structural and working environment measures, says Pedersen.
