– Has nothing to do in a semi-final – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– It’s boring. We knew it was going to be tough. Today we met a better handball team than us, says Sander Sagosen to news. – We have nothing to do in a semi-final, he continues. It was a tough evening for the Norwegian handball boys in Hamburg. Norway had to beat reigning world champions Denmark if they were to have any chance of advancing in the EC. They weren’t close to being able to do that. There is now speculation as to whether national team manager Jonas Wille is the right man for Norway going forward. Wille has been under a lot of pressure this championship due to the weak results. – What do you think now about your own position? – I feel that I have confidence in the player group and have received good support from the association. I myself have quite a lot of confidence in my own assessments, even though there are many who disagree and butcher what we have done, says Wille to news. DISAPPOINTED COACH: Jonas Wille disappointed after a brutal loss against Denmark. Photo: NTB Crisis round It was the first round that was supposed to remove all hope for Norway. – Just pack your bags and go home, exclaimed Viaplay commentator Daniel Høglund after only 20 minutes played. – If this had been a MasterChef competition, the Danes would have delivered a lobster soup, while Norway had put a carrot on a plate and delivered it, said news’s ​​handball commentator Patrick Rowlands. The first half was characterized by several Norwegian mistakes, and the Danes were mostly allowed to do what they wanted on the pitch. Norway had 3-3 before the Danish train disappeared far out of sight. In addition, the Norwegian men struggled to score against Denmark’s well-established defense – and goalkeeper Emil Nielsen who played big in the Danish goal. – There is absolutely no chance. It is very difficult to score on him. It doesn’t work, says Tobias Grøndahl about Denmark’s goalkeeper. Nielsen was also named the best player of the match. After the first half, the Danes led the whole 18-10. COMPLETELY SUPERIOR: The Danish goalkeeper Emil Nielsen played a magnificent game in the Danish goal. Only 49 percent of Norway’s shots hit the target. Photo: AFP After the break, Norway was more forward. With renewed confidence, Norway scored four goals while Denmark had only scored one – ten minutes into the second half. Unfortunately for Norway, the turnaround started too late, and Denmark won the match – without there ever being much doubt. The EC will be the fifth championship in a row where Norway does not reach the semi-finals, which is the goal of both the team and the Norwegian Handball Association. Norway’s results in championship matches against Denmark: Norway-Denmark: 25-31 (Olympics, 2021)Norway-Denmark: 22-31 (WC, 2019)Norway-Denmark: 26-30 (WC, 2019)Norway-Denmark: 23-24 (EC, 2010) Norway- Denmark: 28-32 (WC, 2009) Norway- Denmark: 27-26 (EC, 2008) Norway- Denmark: 25-27 (WC, 2007) With a win today, Denmark is already through to semi-finals before the final round is played.
