Has fought for 20 years to get toilets and waste cans up at Slettvikane on Trollstigen – news Møre og Romsdal – Local news, TV and radio

If Slettvikane by Trollstigen were an apartment, the brokers would describe it as a spacious pearl in scenic surroundings. – I think many people are disappointed when they encounter excrement in the bushes, says Arne Sandnes. The former mayor of Norddal municipality has one case he wants to be carried out before he dies. Namely, getting toilets and waste bins in place at Slettvikane. It is a protected area in the national park Reinheimen. Nevertheless, some people take the liberty of messing around in nature. Every day, over a thousand vehicles pass the road icon Trollstigen in Romsdal. After winding up the bends, and having a bite to eat at the top, people may have to empty the tank on the way down. Arne Sandnes shows off the Slettvikane from above. Photo: Marius Åmbakk Bjørkedal / news Want to clean up the mess – It is not worthy of Norway to present the area like this today. We are concerned on behalf of everyone and think this should be cleaned up, says Arne Sandnes, who is a board member of the Øvstestølen landowner association. Arne Sandnes is worried that the faeces will cause problems for the strawberries in Valldalen. Photo: Marius Åmbakk Bjørkedal / news Just by looking around the car park in Slettvikane you can see cups, beer cans and other scrap along the roadside. The leader of the landowner association, Fridjon Døving, has spent time documenting the littering in the area. He and Sandnes say that they have participated in at least 50 meetings in the last 20 years to sort out the “shit”. Fridjon Døving shows a picture he took in Slettvikane which shows large quantities of toilet paper. Photo: Marius Åmbakk Bjørkedal / news Role distribution with a twist The plan is approved and ready to go. The cost? Two million kroner. The land owners provide the land. Møre and Romsdal county council will take over operations when the facility is in place. In addition, the Norwegian Environment Agency and the Reinheimen National Park Board are also involved. Fridjon Døving and Arne Sandnes present the zoning plans for the project. These are approved. Photo: Marius Åmbakk Bjørkedal / news Financing is the responsibility of the municipality. But here it stops. Now they are asking for help from the county council to contribute to splicing teams. County road manager Ole Jan Tønnesen says the county municipality, which owns the road, is happy to take over as developer for the project if it is desirable. Photo: Anne Marit Øksenvåg Johansen – What we have said is that we can take over the responsibility for the operation of the facility, says county road manager Ole Jan Tønnesen, who is positive about toilets in the city. Mayor of Fjord municipality, Eva Hove (Ap), thinks it is an enormous need for toilets and waste bins in Slettvikane Photo: Marius Åmbakk Bjørkedal / news He believes that the costs of operation over time make the distribution fair. But neither the landowners’ association nor Fjord municipality agree on this. – It is not reasonable, and the project has become an eternal circle that we will never reach, says mayor of Fjord municipality, Eva Hove (Ap). National park manager Mari Melbø Rødstøl thinks it would have been positive if the county council took part of the costs. They themselves have contributed money, and applied for funds from the Norwegian Environment Agency. Consequences for nature – Littering in nature is clearly unfortunate for animals and humans. In the protected area it must be clean, says Rødstøl. National park manager Mari Melbø Rødstøl says that the national park board has been positive about the plans since 2013, and has allowed NOK 250,000 for the project this year. Photo: Privat All over the country, people leave their homes in heather and streams. news was able to report last week that more and more human excrement is being found in Lofotodda National Park. Researcher Rose Keller then explained that faeces contain 30 to 50 per cent bacteria. If it ends up in the drinking water, we must therefore think twice before filling our water bottles. Feeling disappointed Chairman of Øvstestølen land owners’ association, Fridjon Døving, is tired of all the waiting. – I feel disappointed. Most agree that something must be done here. But when it comes to money, not everyone is equally interested anymore. It is not only humans who travel over the Trollstigen. Sheep have the area as pasture and are also affected by the rubbish lying there. Photo: Marius Åmbakk Bjørkedal / news – The area is not pleasant to present to tourists today, notes Døving. Although the county council does not want to participate in the financing, Mayor Eva Hove is holding her head high. The aim is to have toilets and waste bins in Slettvikane in 2023. The map shows where Slettvikane is located in Møre and Romsdal county.
