Has enough support to become a presidential candidate – news Urix – Foreign affairs news and documentaries

Early Tuesday morning Norwegian time, Harris confirms that she has the broad support needed to become the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate. That is written by Reuters. Earlier, the AP news agency reported that Harris has 2,214 behind her, more than the 1,976 she needs to win. The overview is referred to as unofficial, as the delegates are in theory free to vote for the candidate they want when the formal election in the party takes place at the Democrats’ national meeting in August. By August 7, the party must have a presidential candidate and vice-presidential candidate ready, says the leader of the Democratic Party’s national committee, Jaime Harrison. He says that the party is committed to carrying out an open and fair nomination process. Biden will help On the night of Tuesday, US Vice President Kamala Harris spoke with the Democrats’ campaign staff for the first time on Monday. US President Joe Biden participated by telephone. – Welcome her, she is the best, says US President Joe Biden about Vice President Kamala Harris on the phone to the Democrats’ election campaign staff in Wilmington. It was Joe Biden’s first statement after he withdrew his candidacy as presidential candidate on Sunday. He then pointed to Kamala Harris as his heir. He added that he will help her in every possible way. Biden, who fell ill with covid-19 last week, attended the meeting by phone. According to the Reuters news agency, Joe Biden will return to the White House on Tuesday. – The name on the ballot paper is new, but our ambition has not changed. I’m not going anywhere, I’m going to help so that we reach our goal, said Biden. US Vice President Kamala Harris on her way to a meeting with campaign staff in Wilmington in the state of Delaware. Photo: AP – Honorary Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, was introduced by her husband Dough Emhoff from the podium. – I will support my wife who is running for president in the United States. Let me make it clear, we are going to win this election, said Emhoff. Kamala Harris bragged about Joe Biden when she took the podium. – It has been my greatest honor to be Biden’s vice president. I love Joe Biden, we all do, said US Vice President Kamala Harris. She chooses to keep Jen O’Malley Dillon and Julie Chavez Rodriguez as her campaign managers. They have worked for Joe Biden, until he withdrew his candidacy. – This team is the reason why we will win the presidential election in November. I know that, she added. She emphasized that they believe in freedom, opportunities. Not just for some, but for everyone. The US vice president spoke during an election campaign rally in Wilmington – will win against Donald Trump There are 106 days to the presidential election. She believes it will be a tough race, but that they will make it. – My intention is to earn this nomination and win against Donald Trump in November. Harris said that, as a former prosecutor, she had confronted “perpetrators” before, and that the United States has a choice between her forward-looking plan, or Donald Trump, who she believes will “go backwards”. – In that job, I gained experience in dealing with all types of criminals. Perpetrators who sexually abused women, companies who defrauded customers, fraudsters who broke the rules for their own gain, she said Before adding: – Trust me, I know guys like Donald Trump. She believes Trump wants to take the United States back to a time when many did not have full freedom and rights. – But we believe in a brighter future that has room for all Americans, she said. Harris has previously been criticized for being wobbly and not having a clear vision, or a clear political programme. The fight for abortion The fight for the right to abortion will be a priority issue, Harris announced when she addressed the staff in Wilmington in the state of Delaware on Monday. She admitted that the day since Joe Biden withdrew as a candidate had been a roller coaster ride. If elected President of the United States, Harris will strengthen the position of the American middle class. She also highlights gun control and abortion rights. – If Congress passes a law that gives back reproductive rights, as president I will sign it, she says. Published 23/07/2024, at 00.16 Updated 23.07.2024, at 05.48
