– Hårreisende, AUF says about the government’s handling of the Fosen case – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– We at AUF think it is completely hair-raising that over 500 days have passed before a position has been taken on this matter here, says Fredrik Sørlie, central board member of AUF. – It is extremely reprehensible. I think that reflects the whole process here, that it has been worthy of criticism, he adds. Thus, the Labor Party’s youth organisation, AUF, joins the long list of sharp critics of the government, after the demonstrations against the Fosen wind turbines started on 23 February. Sørlie thanks the demonstrators from the Norwegian Sami National Federation and Nature and Youth, who he believes have made a heroic effort and have changed Norwegian politics. – We in AUF have a clear expectation of the government. You have to do something about this violation of human rights, this assault on the Sami population as quickly as possible. Demonstration in front of the castle on Friday, when the government was in its weekly meeting with the king. Photo: Alf Simensen / NTB Demolition of wind turbines is required – The wind turbines should have been demolished the day the verdict in the Supreme Court was handed down, is the leader of Red Youth Alberte Tennøe Bekkhus. She believes that it damages trust in the Norwegian state that so long has passed without anything happening. Alberte Tennøe Bekkhus, leader Red Youth Photo: ISMAIL BURAK AKKAN / news – It has been over 500 days in which the Norwegian state has continued a particularly proud tradition of Norwegianization and abuse of the Sami population. So of course the wind turbines must come down, says Bekkhus. – We also need to ensure that it never, ever happens again, she says. Bekkhus also thanks the demonstrators who have been demonstrating in front of the ministries in Oslo for over a week, and have been forcibly removed by the police several times. – I would also like to say a big thank you to the activists who have fought in the last week, but not least to activists and Sámi who have fought not only for several years, but perhaps a lifetime, for several generations. Thanks to you. Demonstrators are carried away from the Municipal and Education Directorate on Thursday 02 March. Photo: Inga Maret Solberg / news Socialist Youth also thanks the demonstrators. – Many of us have gained hope and faith that a just world is possible, because of you. Thanks! You guys are awesome! And then the wind turbines must be demolished!, says deputy chairman of SU Eirin Helgesen. She also points out that there are ongoing human rights violations. Eirin Helgesen, deputy head of SU Photo: ISMAIL BURAK AKKAN / news – Therefore, we have to give the reindeer herding areas back to the reindeer herding Sami on Fosen, and then the wind turbines also have to come down. Most of the youth parties have not made up their minds – There are very few measures without consequences, and we need more renewable energy, says 2nd deputy leader of Unge Høyre Emma Erlandsen. Unge Høyre has not decided whether the wind turbines must be demolished. Emma Erlandsen, deputy leader Unge Høyre Photo: ISMAIL BURAK AKKAN / news – If Norway does not increase our development, we will not reach the climate goals. Europe is not meeting its climate targets, says Erlandsen. Rødt leader Alberte Tennøe Bekkhus believes there is no contradiction between climate measures and safeguarding the human rights of the Sami population. – I think it would be false to set this up as a contradiction. RU is, for example, for offshore wind, which can be developed in many places. Controversial wind turbines at Fosen. Photo: Ingrid Lindgaard Stranden / news A round of calls news has made shows that neither the Center Youth, the Progress Party’s youth, the Young Liberals nor the Christian People’s Party have taken any final position. Nor has AUF, which thus chastises the government, taken any position on what should happen to the wind turbines. The matter will not come before the annual meeting in two weeks. – Why should you wait so long to come up with what you think should be done, when the verdict was handed down over 500 days ago? – Now there are just under two weeks until we have our national board meeting and we believe it is important that all voices in AUF are heard, says Fredrik Sørlie. – But couldn’t you have done this a long time ago? – You can say that. But I think there are many who feel that you have been late to the ball when it comes to that and that is obviously not good enough. And we expect more from our own government, over 500 days is too long. Among all the youth parties that have not taken a position that the wind turbines must be demolished, there is a general agreement that the state must make amends for the damage it has done to Fosen.
