– Harder to guess than Maskorama – news Culture and entertainment

In Maskorama you have to guess who is behind the mask and sings. But can the concept be transferred to other art forms? Can one recognize an author only by reading a text? In Forfatterjakten, the audience is challenged to guess who has written a story. A kind of literary Maskorama, if you will. You can already take part in the competition, because this year four authors have submitted four stories. You can read the first one here. With the help of the text itself, pictures and some hints at the very bottom, you may get an idea of ​​who it may be, and can join the competition. Author hunt – guess and win! In Forfatterjakten you can guess who wrote a story. The first story will be published on July 10. You can guess who is behind it until the solution is published on July 17. July 17 is the second story, and you can join a new round of the guessing game. July 24 comes story number three, with a solution on July 31, when the last story also comes. The solution to the latter will be announced on 7 August. Each round, we draw a winner of a Kindle tablet among those who have answered correctly. Join the hunt here! – Good to mislead Last year, Jan Kjærstad was one of the participants in the very first edition of the competition. He says that he thinks it was an honor to be a part of it, and that he tried to mislead the reader. However, there were several who guessed their way to Kjærstad. One of them was even in a close family. – I used a phrase that my father often used, “she was a sight for gods”. My daughter said it’s just me saying. A little down that she took it. However, Kjærstad believes that in principle it is easy for an author to keep his mask on. – If you are a writer, you are good at misleading and making cover stories. Therefore, this is harder to guess than Maskorama. He himself has no hopes of being able to guess who is behind this year’s stories. – I’m terribly bad at taking things like that, because I’m so open when I read. I get amazed when people manage to guess the right author. Unpleasant when the family guessed One who has guessed who wrote the first story of the year, is Agnes Ravatn. – I’m pretty sure who it is, and have submitted suggestions and everything! Agnes Ravatn hid behind the avatar «Havørna» in Forfatterjakten 2021. Photo: MARIUS VIKEN / SAMLAGET / KJERSTI LOFTHAUGNRK She herself did her best to make it difficult for readers when she participated in last year’s Forfatterjakt. In the story “First Battle”, she had even moved away from her preferred Nynorsk and wrote in Bokmål. – But still, there were very many who guessed correctly. The style survived the change of target form. I myself thought that no one would understand who this was. She herself thought it was a little uncomfortable when her own close family began to guess that she was the avatar “Havørna”. – They became approachable. They felt offended after it was revealed, since they felt very good about having guessed correctly. So my advice to those who join this year is not to be so strict with those closest to you. There is so much conflict material in the summer already. You can join the hunt for authors throughout July on news.no. Who is hiding behind the avatar “The Knight”? Read the story “Mouth to mouth” and guess! Photo: Susanne Flender
