Hans Niemann with a lawsuit against Magnus Carlsen – demanding over NOK 1 billion – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcast schedule

The complaint is based on the great damage to his reputation, career and life. Magnus Carlsen, Hikaru Nakamura, Danny Rensch, Carlsen’s company Play Magnus Group and the website Chess.com have been sued. It appears in a court document, and Niemann has confirmed the lawsuit himself. – The lawsuit speaks for itself, writes the American on Twitter. Demands huge sum He demands at least 100 million dollars. The sum corresponds to NOK 1.07 billion at today’s exchange rate. – With this lawsuit, Niemann will put the closet in place, write Niemann’s lawyers Terry Oved and Darren Oved in a statement, which TV 2 has been sent. news has tried to get in touch with father and manager Henrik Carlsen, so far without success. IN HARD WEATHER: Criticism has rained down on Niemann after Magnus Carlsen accused him of cheating. Photo: TIM VIZER / AFP Niemann’s mentor Maxim Dlugy announced earlier this month that the cheating allegations that have rocked the chess community in the past month were going to end with a lawsuit against Carlsen. It happens after Carlsen made cheating allegations against Niemann in September. – Niemann should know what he is doing. He has not responded to the chess accusations from Chess.com. If he is to take it as seriously as this, chess will be scrutinized even more. It makes sense if he has a good case, but this is also a way in which he can be further exposed, says news’s ​​chess expert Atle Grønn. A few weeks ago, Chess.com came up with a 72-page report, in which it came to the crushing conclusion that Niemann must have cheated over 100 times online. – A high stake Grønn believes that Niemann is taking a chance. – He goes out high, says the chess expert. He elaborates: – If he has cheated, I think this is high stakes, because there will be no less attention to the cheating. REACTS: Chess expert Atle Grønn believes Niemann is playing a high game. Photo: Lars Thomas Nordby / news Grønn believes that the lawsuit could lead to more revelations on Carlsen’s part. – For us in chess, this will be interesting, because now you might get something more chess-related on the table. In the document, Carlsen is called “corrupt” and a “coward”. – When the tournament judges refused to agree to Carlsen’s corrupt and cowardly demands to eliminate Niemann from the competition, Carlsen struck again. This time by boycotting the rest of the Sinquefield Cup in protest – which is an unfortunate act from a top chess player, who is the reigning world champion. – Carlsen then confirmed his defamatory accusations against Niemann with a provocative post on Twitter, which had the intended effect of spreading Carlsen’s false accusations that Niemann had cheated on him across the globe. Drama over several weeks The drama that has unfolded with him and Hans Niemann in the lead roles has been a big topic of conversation both inside and outside the chess community. It started on 5 September when Carlsen withdrew from the Sinquefield Cup after losing to Niemann. Even then he made hints about cheating. Only two weeks later, the two met again, and this time Carlsen lost on purpose, to Niemann’s great surprise. Carlsen waited for a while, but finally he made a statement, in which he claimed Niemann had cheated. – I think that Niemann has cheated more – and more recently – than he has publicly admitted, the Norwegian wrote on Twitter. – I also believe that the chess organizers and everyone who cares about the game we love should seriously consider increasing security methods and investigations to prevent cheating. When Niemann was invited at the last minute to the Sinquefield Cup, I strongly considered withdrawing before the tournament. But I finally chose to play, Carlsen wrote. Niemann has admitted to cheating in games on Chess.com when he was 12 and 16 years old. He has since been banned from the site.
