Hanne Skartveit resigns as political editor in VG – Siste nytt – news

3 November 2023 at 10:51 Hanne Skartveit resigns as political editor in VG Skartveit’s husband is ill, and she therefore wants to work less. She is now moving into a freelance editor’s position. – This is a choice based on love for my husband. Life is about prioritizing what is most important. That realization came so strongly after my husband, Gerhard, fell ill. I don’t know how many healthy years we have left together, says Skartveit. – Some may question the timing of the role change. Therefore, it is crucial for me to emphasize that the announcement has been planned for a long time and in no way is it connected with the ongoing debate about her Middle Eastern comments, says Gard Steiro, responsible director of VG.
