– Hamas is a terrorist organization – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

– Let me make it absolutely clear: An organization that has planned, carried out and taken responsibility for such terrorist acts must be able to be characterized as a terrorist organisation. Dot. Finished talking, says Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre. He has never been so clear before. Støre today informed the Storting about the situation in the Middle East, after Hamas launched a large-scale attack on Israel on Saturday, and the subsequent counter-attacks against Gaza. In his introductory speech, Støre described Hamas’s attack as terrorism and war crimes, but did not call Hamas a terrorist organization. The government has been criticized for that, ever since the attack on Saturday. Criticized Frp leader Sylvi Listhaug was upset that the prime minister did not go further. – The terrorist organization Hamas’ slaughter of random victims in Israel is the worst attack on Jews since the Holocaust during the Second World War, says Listhaug. She pointed out that children and infants have been massacred and that entire families have been wiped out. Frp’s leader, Sylvi Listhaug, was critical of the government not wanting to call Hamas a terrorist organisation. Photo: Emilie Holtet / NTB – Nevertheless, the Norwegian government does not want to call Hamas a terrorist organisation. As the EU, the USA, Canada and the UK have done. I don’t understand how that is possible, said Listhaug. Conservative Party leader Erna Solberg also urged to be clear about what Hamas should be labeled as. – Ever since Saturday, the Conservative Party has been clear that Hamas can be characterized as a terrorist organisation. I believe it is important that the government does the same, said Solberg. She emphasized that Israel has the right to defend itself. – With their cruel actions, Hamas has now made it clear to everyone that they are willing to use pure terror to achieve their goals, Solberg told the Storting. Center party also clear The parliamentary leader of the Center Party, Marit Arnstad, was also clear on the party’s position on the matter: – The Center Party as a party has no problem establishing that Hamas is a terrorist organisation, said Arnstad. Arnstad expressed understanding that the government initially chose to deal with the UN’s listing of terrorist organisations. It was only in Støre’s summary, after everyone else’s posts, that he was clear that Hamas is a terrorist organisation.
